I found out earlier this month our daughter had sex. I was floored and left speechless. She is 16 though and of course not unheard of. Honestly it came out of left field and we were dealing with some other issues regarding her.

My husband is what I’ll call high strung. He overreacts a lot when it comes to things. I waited three weeks and finally told him. He is livid. He sees me not telling him immediately as a breech of trust, etc.

I tried to explain that I kept it from him because we already were dealing with issues and I myself needed to digest everything. He called me neglectful for not getting her to the doctor as soon as I found out. She is on birth control and I had verified she has had multiple periods. As the encounter happened three months ago. I told him I wasn’t going to make an appt without telling him to begin with.

This went down last Sunday. We both talked her on Tuesday and went through the situation. He handled it okay. He ignored my birthday Wednesday. Won’t touch me, barely talks to me.

AITA for not telling him as soon as I found out?