Posturing for votes. It's a violation of the constitution to ban masks.

Lol you obviously didn't read my rant, which is good.

I don't know a single person over the age of 25 who hasn't. Anecdotal, sure, but I know thousands of people. If that's my small bubble, chances are a fancy rich actor and theater nerd will have had it a couple times.

People love saying that. Incoming rant-dont waste your time reading it. Im yelling at the world and not you.

Yugoslavia was the country my family came from. My family hails from places across the Yugoslav Balkans- Herzegovina Kosovo Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia Montenegro. They are separated now, but for thousands of years, my family was there. It had different names over the course of millenia. When my family left to come to Detroit it was still Yugoslavia. People know what that means, what that area is. I can't say just Balkan, I'm not Greek or Romanian. I'm not Albanian or Slovene. But My family is everything else that Yugoslavia was, so I say they are from Yugoslavia.

My folks are Yugoslavian, so, yeah.

your flair here

Gemini and Sagittarius

Brains, Brawn, Badassery

It's really important folks down vote this and all her posts so she isn't caught

Yeah, I'm Orthodox Christian. But, we are really into physics. For example- Tesla and my Great Grampa went to the same church. My cousin who is the head pastor has a PhD in astro physics, his dad was a doctor in nuclear physics. Our uncle worked for NASA and his wife built satellites. My thing is Emergency Management and weather. We follow a quantum physics based theology, God is the energy that binds the universe together. With a scientific approach to religion and the occult, it's not important to us to look to other named entities for our practice. I say our, and I refer to the very, very heavy influence being psychic, being a medium, being a touch-know has had on our family. Yes, science and math and logic is important. But when the family has a very obvious strain of "occult talents" its not gonna be ignored, it's gotta be studied and practiced with ethics. So we kinda developed our own sect of hoodoo as we have lived in America over the last couple generations.

Nope. This one is entertaining asf

I think the bartender was used to folks adding their own spirits to the canned drinks. Usually that happens in the bathroom, but could still happen on the floor.

female pleasurist

I pretended like I had a problem with an order and followed prompts as if it was not specified

Omg that mullet is amazing

Are words I never thought I'd feel, but here we is

I was under the impression consent and personal agency is the foundation of feminism

INTJ - ♀

Plan a schedule, date and times to do it. Plan on sections that will be improvised. Plan on taking an practical, active approach in your mind.

your flair here

I will try to have sex with everyone, or try to get everyone to have sex with each other. And I will try to steal an empty glass or a decoration

your flair here

A horny theif. Leo moon, Mars in Scorpio