For context of the apocalypse: There’s no more electricity, the economy no longer works, money is meaningless, we have to rely on resources from nature also Natural disasters happen more frequently.

My personal take: Aries: would probably survive for a while but will eventually make an impulsive decision that kills them.

Taurus: would probably unalive themselves before even trying to survive.

Gemini: same as Aries except they’ll survive until they get bored and just stick to people that they can depend on until they do something shady that makes the group cast them out.

Cancer: would be top 5 to survive but will probably fall ill somehow and wind up dying from the illness.

Leo: would try their hardest to put on a facade that they’re strong and determined to survive but on the low they are slowly losing their sanity and will probably wind up unaliving themselves or will do something fucked up that makes someone else kill them.

Virgo: will be one of the first ones to go insane repeating the same behavior over and over again thinking it’ll make a difference.

Libra: will stick to the strongest person and depend on them by becoming their lover in order to survive, not because they actually like them romantically.

Scorpio: would manipulate everyone to do the dirty work for them while they do whatever they want. Will probably be the last one to survive unless someone overthrows them out of spite.

Sagittarius: would be the one to struggle hard but will survive purely out of luck.

Capricorn: would survive for a while until they become insufferable to be around and then they die alone because they cannot function if they’re not doing something to prove their worth to others.

Aquarius: would survive the longest because of their creative ability to use their resources to their advantage. Would probably die alone in the end tho.

Pisces: will be the amongst the first ones to die.