i love this question and the responses. a rare life & sex positive question on reddit and askreddit

Africa and Antarctica as countries.... le big sigh. Nothing problematic here.

However you feel about Ortega, I think it's really remarkable that a year, a year and a half ago... it was simply impossible for a computer system to have this kind of interaction with a human, on topics from wrestling to quantum mechanics to whatever.

But I think, what's even more important than that is to recognize our shared humanity, as we realize that ChatGPT did not take the opportunity to point out the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

southern comfort + me = pavlovian nausea

nothing against soco, just drank way too much of it way too frequently back in the day

is this just part of nathan's guerilla marketing campaign for his youtube channel?

there's no good solution because physics & chemistry.

every solution you shell out $$$ for will not work reliably, if at all. sound quality will never be other than marginally acceptable & whatever you get that seems to work at even a crappy level will soon fail.

if someone comes up with a great product to address this, you'll know about it. the reason you don't know about it is because for years whenever anyone asks this question, no one can show that awesome product. the reason they can't show that awesome product is because it does not exist.


I'm sure there's no possible solution to this and none of the thousands of the world's smartest actual humans are thinking about it at all, and what's worse your brilliant observation makes large language models totally useless for absolutely everything.

what are the prompts that generated these?