In town for a couple days and went downtown to try and find our brick only to find out Gallagher square is close for the concert. At least we got new hats out of it but man what a bummer

This was literally intro gag on Malcolm in the Middle with Hal faking fixing something in the yard

Lifelong Padre fan here to say that Tom Werner is a piece of shit and I wouldn’t wish his bullshit on my worst enemy

:sdp2: San Diego Padres

The 95 Mariners were 13 games out at the beginning of August and managed to force game 163 with the Angels

May you be mounted by a rabid dog. You're lower than rat excrement.

Reported for no NSFW tag, can’t just have nudes of Blackmon with no warning

By chance back in 01 we were in a family vacation in New York, while waiting to check in I noticed a bunch of bell boys bringing in luggage carts full of bags with the Tigers logo. They were in town playing the Yankees, and while we were waiting some of the players showed up as well and Bobby signed my hat I was wearing. 100% my favorite Tiger of that era

That’s why you never connect your tv to the internet and hookup an AppleTV/Roku/other streaming box of your choice. No need to deal with shitty tv ui and you get to choose whatever box is preferable to you

I use mine even when I'm not carrying, the ratcheting just fits me better than a normal belt.

:sdp2: San Diego Padres

I'm honestly convinced that half of /r/padres doesn't even watch the games and forms their opinions based off of reading gameday threads

Someone needs to teach her that more than two shakes is playing with yourself, truly a disgusting act

Although this would probably result in chads getting more hookups

LMAO this is one of the funniest things I have read in a while. These people are batshit

:sdp2: San Diego Padres

I saw all 30 parks on separate trips. Even taking into account separate airfares, it was less than half of this.


Partassipant [1]

NTA, Emily is a dipshit for not only pulling the bait and switch on your actual wedding day but continuing to be petty about it as well.

I know he loves playing winter ball but maybe it is time to cut it out or at least scale back his winter playing time. We still have him for another decade and the extra wear and tear on his body isn't doing him or the team any favors

I know and honestly I didn’t care as it was easier to just use. I ended up leaving the state last year so personally it’s a non issue but again, as long as you aren’t using that specific firearm in a self defense shooting where it will get confiscated I always felt safe using it at the range even if others have different comfort levels

I'm having the same issue with a Roku Ultra, every time it wakes up the wifi is disconnected. I read a suggestion to disable the powersave but I don't even have a power setting menu lol

I used to recommend these to everyone but I am about to trash it and just spend the money on another AppleTV

I swear to god I read a story about a woman on the east coast somewhere that tried this a few years ago and got held in contempt of court because they thought she was bullshitting but I can't find the article for the life of me.