OP never said they are actively driving nor on their phone. And yeah sometimes if you need a good cry its best to find somewhere outside of your environment and let it all out

Keep in mind with the heat this week, they likely wont do any disconnects this week. Call and see if you can make up the payment arrangement. That being said, they are NOT the best in working with people when it comes to disconnects, so better to call them sooner than later.

Yeah sorry-its not money sent its orders to be picked up if you yourself can do it. Again though you mentioned not eating a lot, are you eating? There are resources out there if you or your family need help

Yes! She actually does this. The reason she wanted it for vacation is it helps her not feel overstimulated with big crowds on the boardwalk (beach vacay!) But typically on the weekends/days off she doesn’t take it!

Hey buddy, looks like you’re 14, so I don’t feel comfortable sending it. That being said, you mentioned not being able to eat. Are you in a safe place? Are your parents/guardians able to provide food for you? There are resources if you, as a minor, do not have access to food

Oh absolutely it’s ridiculous. I saw that Jack in the Box had wings and I wanted to try them and it was twelve bucks for SIX.

I love giving on this sub but have been broke myself. However I have 2 free fire rewards that I can send to a store if you can pick up. Its not much but itll be warm food in your stomach :)

ADHD Meds and Pharmacies

Im not sure how many of you rely on ADHD medication, but I thought I would share an awesome experience I had today!

So my partner takes 1 20mg XR adderall daily. During the shortage (that is apparently still semi taking place) she began using a small mom and pop pharmacy as they were able to fill it.

Today, she had her appointment to get her next month filled as were going on vacation for two weeks on Sat. This was about a day early, nothing crazy, never filled early before or “lost it”, anything like that. Anyhow, the pharmacy called and said they would not accept it because their ratio was off for controlled vs non controlled dispenses. They said if she had filled other scripts in the past they would, but because this is the only thing she fills (and frankly the only thing she takes) they would not.

This began a lonnnng afternoon of calling various pharmacies per the doctor’s request to see if they had it in stock and would fill. Most of the big box places said they would fill after a hold? 72 hours, which wasnt going to work. The smaller ones I called to wouldnt even tell me if they had it (which I can understand, I know a lot of people abuse it).

Then I called Crest on the south side. They. Were. Amazing. SUPER sweet, answered all of our questions, said they had plenty so no worries there, and as soon as the doc would send theyd have it in 20 min. I actually picked it up for her with her ID and they were so so kind, efficient, and didnt make me feel like a drug seeker (partner has had this issue in the past).

So, if anyone here uses this medication, I HIGHLY recommend Crest. Side note, my partners new insurance doesnt kick in until the 1st, and the cash price was only $28!


Lol YES! I am the same, could slam some rolls but for lunch it’s perfect to go back to work and not want to nap! Doesn’t weigh you down liken fast food

I guess! I eat pretty often but for lunch it def fills me up until dinner time! Im not saying you’ll walk out stuffed, and yeah everyone’s threshold is different! But even if you get the 9.99 special you can throw in an app (I recommend the crispy crab) its still a very cheap lunch!

Yeah def run from the HOAs!!! If you haven’t already bought, there are a lot of decent starter homes on the SWOKC side, no HOAs, good schools, quiet neighborhoods.

I LOVE the Volcano lunch special! It is super filling, especially if you get two rolls. For two sushi rolls, rice, salad, and soup, for $9.99, its an amazing deal. I usually get a roll, then the three pieces of sashimi that I use the rice with. I almost never finish it all. I hope they never get rid of this!

If you grew up/around Detroit, then this will not be "active" compared to what you are used to lol. That being said, its actually not that bad. Its older, not too far from the interstate, and a lot of the surrounding homes, at least in my experience, are being bought, renovated, and rented out by Airbnb. Actually stayed at one with family a few years ago in that exact area and it was super nice, no issues. A lot of the "active" issues lately have been more on the south side unfortunately. Not saying by any stretch the East side doesnt have its issues, because it does. But, you'll be just fine. What is yalls monthly housing budget? There are a lot of areas nearby that are pretty affordable that might be slightly quieter.

This was just day 1, I am planning on calling in a bit to confirm the messages were received

This is good to know!

Yeah, Im sure I came off intense calling a few times lol

That makes me feel so much better!! I dont know why but its had me panicked all morning!

Jury Duty Question

I was summoned for Jury Duty this am, Cleveland county. I did the online register about a week ago, I have zero issue doing jury duty. But this morning around 6 am I woke up wheezing and by 730 it was a full scale severe asthma attack and I knew I needed to go to the ER. I called the jury line and left a voicemail with my info and the situation, and even waited until 8 to call and speak with someone. She stated she didnt know what I should do but that shed get my info down to the clerk ASAP. Im currently in the waiting room panicked because I dont want a warrant or anything because I didnt report without prior approval. Any ideas on what could happen?


Yeah here in swokc I think we might get some rain

Thats where I am originally from and theyre saying the same thing

Hope everyone is surviving the horrible storms they predicted today

Im currently in my shelter hunkering down waiting for the destruction
