Lovely stuff. Newcastle’s defence looked a lot like ours there…

I’ll add my thanks to those of others for posting this, it’s a lovely passage. I live not too far from where I think Ashgrove would be, on the Downs above Portsmouth and this passage perfectly captures this landscape as it would be been before enclosure had been completed. I need to do more digging into where Ashgrove might have been though.

Ha! Probably some of the busiest bridleways in the UK, but drop off the South Downs Way, and you’ve got some lovely quiet spots. See you out there.

Thanks! Yeah, I thought l he was more towards the Ridgeway. I should have taken photos of some of the barrows round here, don’t think the Old King of the Elves or his people were around, thankfully. I have just put up an old horseshoe I found, just in case though.

This was mostly circular- a couple of miles overlap on road because it was from my front door.

There are also good train links from London so depending on where you’re coming from you can assemble some cool options. The trick is having a pub at lunchtime…

If you’d like ideas for the central Downs (Midhurst/Chichester/Arundel) drop me a message- happy to chat.

They’re from Grayman & Co. Excellent glasses. Even better suits.

Sadly a bit of a ruined spot. Lots of stuff gets dumped there now and loads of fire scars the last time I went past. Good work taking the tent with you!

What I love is that it could be so many characters. He could be Keppel, an old Nobby (although he’s a bit too obviously human), Old Stone Face or even Vimes down a different trouser leg of time.

Thank you! I’m at work and it was annoying me!

I know! That’s what I thought. I was trying to remember the names of the old old guard!

Thanks for the prompt, I should have given more details. In this context, it’s a phrase describing a corporation - when an organisation is too large to ever go bankrupt, where the government would bail it out rather than see it go broke etc. does that help?

Hi everyone, can I have a view on a pithy: Too big to fail


I’ve been to Knowler Farm and Sunnyfield- both a bit south of Canterbury but quiet and chilled. Sunnyfield used to allow camp fires as well.

Depending on where you are, get the train down to the New Forest or out to the South Downs: lots of campsites near train stations. You could put to Kent from the SE (lots of options near Canterbury). I don’t know the northern options as well I’m afraid.

You mean the people arrested and then released without charge?

Aye, but they flip cars so we’ve ended up endless tarmac…