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GNU Terry PratchettGNU

In the Ramtop village where they dance the real Morris dance, for example, they believe that no-one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away - until the clock he wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone's life, they say, is only the core of their actual existence.

GNU Terry Pratchett. 28 April 1948 - 12 March 2015.


This thread will never be removed. It will always be pinned. The names of loved ones, those we have lost, will be here in memoriam.

Please add more names. Keep them going. GNU.

Pinnedby Faithful_jewelModeratorAssisted by the Clan
Polite reminder: piracy will not be toleratedMod Announcement

Don’t share links to pirated material.

Don’t share links to sites providing pirated material.

Definitely don’t try and share a google drive of pirated copies of all the books. 🙄

We support Discworld and Sir Terry’s estate.

Failure to comply will henceforth be met with a 24 hour ban. A second offence will incur a permanent ban.

If you don’t agree then, please, don’t let us detain you.

Remember: your local library likely has many Discworld books available as either hard copy or ebook format, completely free.

EDIT: What did i just say?! Like two posts immediately asking for copies of books with a load of links to pirated content! Archive.org is also not acceptable. Come on, now.

Pinnedby mage_g4ModeratorQui moderari moderatores?
I just tried to listen to the new Discworld on Audible and I hated them, what did you think?Discussion

What happened to Nigel plainer, I don't know why I dislike the new ones it just felt wrong

Men at Arms in Edinburgh Discussion

Did anyone here catch Strawmoddie Theatre Company’s adaptation of Men at Arms this weekend? I thought they did a fantastic job bringing it to life.

by fords42Angua
Book mentioned at the end of I Shall Wear MidnightQuestion

Just in an old bookshop and popped into my head to try and find a copy of the book mentioned at the end of I Shall Wear Midnight in which I think Terry mentioned is where he first read the story about the hare as a child.

Cannot remember the name of the book at the moment and don't have my copy of ISWM on me to check if anyone can comment the title!

Underrated TP Quotes?Discussion


We all have our favourite Discworld quotes (Vimes Economic Boots Theory being a favourite), but does anyone have any favourites quotes they're surprised aren't more well known? One of my personal favourites is from Guards Guards!

"The head assassin said later that he had looked into the eyes of many men who, obviously, were very near death, but he had never looked into eyes that were so clearly and unmistakably looking back at him from the slopes of Hell."

Anyone have any favourites?

Looking for a quote from DeathQuestion

I recall a beautiful passage where Death explains that he does not kill, but is there to take the pain away. It’s a vague memory and I cannot find which book it is in but life is making it very apt right now. Any one has any idea?

Re-Read - Reaper Man - Two Books in One or Cohesive Narrative?Discussion


Reaper Man is a much better book than Mort. That’s my first thought. My second is that while the events of Bill Door must occur for the events of Windle Poons to occur, this book feels very much like two books in one. While Pratchett’s tone is fairly consistent, it is much more somber when dealing with Death and his farm friends.

This is also after the time Prachett was working with Neil Gaiman to write Good Omens. I suspect some of his thoughts there bled into this book.

We’ll never know the precise workings of TP’s brains, but it feels like two ideas that couldn’t quite be books on their own. But together, they do work. The idea of a city parasite and Death facing his…death. It’s very good.

It’s no wonder he set Death down again for a couple years at least. The passages of Reaper Man that ARE Reaper Man are some of the most interesting, beautiful thoughts Pratchett gives us on the Discworld.

The parts with the snow globes and Windle Poons are also interesting, but in a different way. They are funny. The Faculty of the University takes shape firmly in Reaper Man. We get to meet Ridcully’s brother! We also meet Reg Shoe for the first time and its a reason to read chronologically - you learn quite a bit about Reg in Reaper Man so his later Watch appearances have a bit more depth.

1 Guards! Guards! (A) 2 Wyrd Sisters (A) 3 Pyramids (A) 4 Reaper Man (A) 5 Mort (B) 6 Moving Pictures (B) 7 Sourcery (B) 8 Equal Rites (B) 9 The Light Fantastic © 10 The Colour of Magic (D) 11 Eric (F)

This is TOUGH. As I said, the Death parts are fantastic. The Windle Poons parts are only okay. I really enjoy Windle being able to think clearly after death and he’s pretty smart. But he’s also not very interesting. His journey is much more about exploring the idea of the undead and the city predator. I think it’s an A-tier book. If it was just the Death bits, I’d put it higher but I think I like Pyramids a bit more. I’ve certainly read it more often.


Good ones. Also, slight spoilers, but this is such a great “Final Death” book before we move on to Susan. This is a far as Pratchett can go with Death. It’s so interesting to me how we talk about the sub-series, but even the sub-series have little parts. Mort and Reaper Man are about Death, but Soul Music brings us to Susan and she pretty much takes over from there.

It’s more explicit with the Witch books and Tiffany Aching. But we’re still learning about the coven in Lords and Ladies.

What do you all think of Reaper Man? Is it two books in one, or do you think it is a more cohesive narrative?

The Anhk-Morpork AnthemRoundWorld

After reading "Blink of the Screen" by the much loved Sir Terry Pratchett. I figured I share. If it's been reposted, apologies.
Credit to Agent Anybis for having the original BBC recording.
This was the anthem that played at the end of that week
Complete with ner, ner, hner, ner.
Ank-Morpork Anthem


Curious, I really want Margaret as my flair on here but I can’t figure out how to add her?

Thank you!


After my father passed, a mutual friend told me how my father had an eidetic memory.

My father worked for Health and Welfare for over 40 years and he ended up in court a lot as a witness.

I was told that prosecuting attorneys and judges learned to never question his legal expertise, because if they did, he could quote the passages in question, verbatim. Word for word; "Section 3, sub-section b, sub-sub-section iii, etc.

So when my father brought up a point of law, they learned never to question him on that, because if he'd read it, he remembered it. I remember thinking, "Hey wait, I not only didn't know that, I didn't get that memory!"

I remember wondering how much easier life would have been if I didn't have to study, if I could have just read something and retained it perfectly.

Then I thought of all the pleasure that I have gotten through the years rereading books. In particular, Terry Pratchett Discworld books. Every time I read his books there are things I forgot. It's always a joy to read, and I always fall in love with each book all over again. So in the end, I'm kind of glad I didn't get that perfect memory.

There is a lot more to life than rereading Terry Pratchett, but the immense amount of joy I get every time I reread his books and revisit his world is pretty wonderful.

As a footnote: I used Terry Pratchett as the basis for many papers I wrote as an adult returning college student in my 50s. In both my philosophy minor and my sociology major, I used the example of Terry, and the right of a person to choose to die (or to check out early to avoid the rush) for quite a few well received papers.

Which biography is better?Question

I Imagine this May have already been discussed here but a cursory search didn’t find any direct comparisons. Is there a clear consensus? What are the positives and negatives of both books?

New to the series, 2 books down in a week...Discussion

I had for some time now been interested in Discworld, and after finishing finishing a fairly heavy series last week, I decided now was the time to try!

Getting overwhelmed about reading order, I just decided to go with publication order for no other reason than it seemed simplest and what can I say except what an abaolute blast this last week of reading has been! I can hardly put the books down! My fiance looks at me like a crazy person every time I let out a full-bellied laugh at any of the countless chaotic moments in Rincewind finds himself in.

I didn't expect to read so fast and now I have a rather larger order of more books coming in... can't wait to dive into more!

Am I the only one who get a "Wizard of the Earthsea" vibes from the "Equal Rites"?Discussion

I can't tell exaclly why but when I first read it I thought it felt strangely familiar, and I just put it together that the "Wizard of the Earthsea" was the reason why.

Maybe it was thematically similar, especially the first half, and I'm pretty sure that there was a similar motive where the Sparrowhawk was stuck in a form of a bird, just like Esk.

Looking for like minded Pterry lovers for DnDQuestion

Hope the mods allow this (please)! My hubby and I are looking for a group to play DnD with… he DMs. However, we are looking for folks that have a similar mindset as us and it’s so hit and miss (more miss than hit tbh). So we were wondering what would be something we could find kindred spirits with and figure anyone that loves a good discworld Pune is our kind of people. Is anyone interested in forming a dnd group? It would be online and can be anyone in a similar time zone (we are based in Netherlands so it’s CET).