BuT hE sAID hE dIdN’t KnOw EpStIeN!

The ONLY time I’ve enjoyed singing God Save the Queen was when I was with my ex (who’s Mexican) an American woman she studied with here in England and her English boyfriend. Screaming that out in a bar in DC was hilarious.

The people most likely to get offended by it are likely to be offended by anything from the word “Hello” upwards. I tend to use the word “folks” as a stand in.

Even that’s endorsing this shit. There’s ways of tracking what stuff is being downloaded and if lots of people are downloading this then Disney can still crow about it being a success. Just look at the fact that Velma is getting a season 2 in spite of almost EVERYONE saying it’s garbage!

Half way? HALF WAY??? The kids are going to be in their thirties by the time this comes out! What in the actual hell is taking them so god damn long?? Why do TV shows do this now?? You’ve got series budgets to rival a marvel Movie and you’re only doing about 8 episodes a series, why is it taking well over two years to only get HALF WAY through shooting this last season??

See, this fawning over the flag is something lots of other countries, including here in the UK just don’t get. It’s a flag. That’s all that can be said.

I was never a fan of Johnny or TLatD. I thought it was pretty dour with the only high point being the shock value from the unexpected wang. TBoGT was a much better game all over.

I’d love to see a sequel to LA Noire anyway but if part of GTA VI’s campaign is playing as a cop investigating the other MC’s crimes then I’d be happy.

That absolute sideboard is completely wardrobed.

IW’s campaign was massively slept on and Ethan was one of the best parts of that.

If you must play it on console then ignore the OG Xbox version and go for the Orange Box instead. The PC version is still the best though.

That and our euphemisms for being drunk are very similar.

Racked up over £500 of charges thanks to using a dialer back in the late 90s and blamed it on being hacked. My parents being complete luddites believed me.

You can create an invite only session from the Online menu tab.

The guy in the control room at the end says that the main line will blow several times at the end. We got it the first time Christopher; we got it about fifteen minutes beforehand when Batman was talking about it! You don’t need to labour the point so much

One that’s able to take a picture with her mouth closed.