:sa: Saudi Arabia

The thing bothers me is how you wasting that potential

That’s your opinion tho, u know how everyone says “when I become rich i’ll this and that unlike other rich people” well that’s how it feels.

A huge portion of our wealth went to free education (giving a monthly allowance to each student) , free healthcare (no matter how expensive a treatment is even it costs millions a citizen won’t pay a single dime for it, in the contrary the gov will give them money as a get well soon gift) + free housing + free family support for newlyweds + studying abroad for free with monthly allowance and all needs met…etc

And you know how expensive it is to maintain infrastructure (roads, buildings, electrical and plumbing systems…etc) in a desert with high heat? Our country been doing that for decades now without asking a single dime in return until very recently with only 15% tax, so you need to understand where our patriotism comes from.

And one more thing skyscrapers, kaba imitation cubes, glass walled dystopic cities are not amazing. They are lame.

Again just a taste thing, some people like skyscrapers, modern structures…etc. it’s so frustrating when other countries can build whatever while people demand us to stay on “arabian theme” like they want our cities to look like Agrabah. Also that’s only part of what we’re doing, there are dozens of local brands and businesses that are developing and starting, local tourism is developing…etc, but u don’t hear about that

New York has a shortage of space, you living in a desert.

Exactly we live in a desert, how many areas do you think are suitable to build structures and to live in generally? A lot of lands are not suitable for living bcz of ground not being suitable for structures, and weather being too hot, too far logistically and dozens of other reasons

:sa: Saudi Arabia

You sold out to capitalism; once you moved to a non-muslim country with a high GDP per capita.

This what I’ve been saying!!!

Like imagine if all the doctors, engineers, businessmen…etc stayed and invested in their muslim countries! But they go there and invest there and grow their economy.

:sa: Saudi Arabia

Ofc we get blamed for this smh, not the fact that (other) arab immigrants are misbehaving in Europe right? Nor the inherent nature of white supremacy, besides most of the hate I see online is toward Indians and Black people, not necessarily Arabs

Also i don’t understand how us being wealthy bothers you so much? We gained it from our natural resources not by conquesting and colonizing nations like some other nations, and as for skyscrapers well most buildings in NYC are skyscrapers, yet people treat it like it’s the amazing thing about it.

Such lame excuse for bigotry

A doctor also told me to rub Al-cohol on my wound?! I shat a tear for our fallen white civilization

I don’t know about that, from my understanding nobility is when a family have generational wealth for generations and a well established status. And I think they’re generally way more respected and powerful than stand alone billionaires as they would have a bigger reach and a connection circle

Kinda sad that i don’t have an average family

I just graduated and I don’t have any family members except my mom to take pictures with me, my brothers don’t talk to me cuz I’m gay, and my sisters barely talk to me cuz they’re busy with their own lives, and my dad is dead which sucks.

But I can’t complain much cuz I grew up wealthy

I remember when Kakashi came and saved Kurenai and Asuma and how cool it was to hear his voice at that moment, then Guy COMES IN and I jump off my seat

:sa: Saudi Arabia

I agree, when I was 16-17 I left Islam, and stayed an atheist for years until I reverted back to Islam

Masha’allah is a phrase in Arabic used usually to express amazement or being impressed or just seeing something nice.

:sa: Saudi Arabia

It’s weird cuz I either face people that suck up to me cuz they think I’m rich or they hate me cuz they still think I’m rich.

One time in Italy an arab guy started hanging out with me and trying to convince me to get him a 🪝er or pay him to go to a club, ofc I did neither, then he took my takeaway food and just walked away.

The thing is that Sakura and Tsunade’s fighting style is dependent on their durability (Tsunade more than Sakura) because they know that almost nothing can kill them and they can tank most attacks and heal from it. But Itachi has 3 abilities that counter that Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and the Totska blade. Regeneration is useless against Amaterasu and the Totska blade, and physical strength and durability is useless against Tsukuyomi as it is a mental anguish and torture and Itachi can just stretch out the time to make it years and decades of torture and not just 72 hours

:sa: Saudi Arabia

I mean it’s pointless to argue when you have your already preconceived notions

:sa: Saudi Arabia

My friend was there a couple weeks ago, the hotel had a plumbing issue and blamed my friend for it and asked him to pay, my friend wanted to escalate the situation and go to the cops but they warned him that a new law said to put foreigners in jail until the problem is solved regardless of who’s in the right and wrong.

So yeah the situation is fucked up, tho we’ve been hearing about such instances and safety issues for years now, idc about those who go there willingly and knowingly

:sa: Saudi Arabia

Guy with the glasses: we’ve ordered the food like an hour ago, what’s going on in the kitchen

the chef: someone stole the knife!

:sa: Saudi Arabia

Lol they need to work on themselves first, stinky cow worshippers

:sa: Saudi Arabia

I never thought of them as muslim countries anyways, Turkey feels like muslim by name only, and Iran is too shirki.

As a gay, that’s the only option I have. But it’s not bad, I can find emotional fulfillment in family and friends and pets.

Wym tank Amaterasu? It’ll just keep burning her as she keeps regenerating, it would be just a sad and slow death. And resisting Genjutsu doesn’t work on the Sharingan, even lady chiyo said that running is the only option when facing the Sharingan alone, and Kakashi added to that saying that even if they had more people Itachi was on a different level

The engineers and architects in where I live would hate this so much, idk if it’s different in your region, but elements in drawings have cut patterns like 2 diagonal lines for walls for example and I honestly didn’t recognize the cut patterns used in this, And the sections seem off too like I think the lines should be darker and just pop out more.

:sa: Saudi Arabia

Keep talking shit, that won’t change a thing lol ur still a bitter loser who wants to be desperately accepted by the whites. Don’t get it twisted, Biden and the rest of clown presidents of the US are ones that talk loud in front of cameras but are like kittens when they deal with us