Damn I wish you also installed a camera so we could watch the aftermath.

I bought a kids one too and I don’t even have a kid yet. It makes me feel protected.

There are choking device things on Amazon, you can use it on yourself I think it’s called life vac.

My wife’s dog was diagnosed with kidney disease. A few weeks later, I had a trip planned to see my family (I live across the country from them). I still wanted to go on the trip. My wife needed support and asked me to not go. It was a huge mess and we’re still dealing with it 2 years later. These two were never gonna get over the mom dying/funeral, which was much bigger.

It was an amazing time to be alive.

Hi, I’m sorry about what I said about them. They’re all gods among men. I was just angry during the fish series. Mea culpa.

Oh Jesus please leave me alone. You and the other one. Go have babies as totally incapable teenagers, I don’t care.

I’m supporting her by pointing out it would be best for her and the baby to place the baby for an open adoption.

There’s some straight up nuts on here wishing the absolute worst for this poor baby. This girl is not ready to be a mother, did anyone read her post? She sounds like a middle schooler.

I guess it just makes me feel sad for you, honestly. Did it feel good to say that? And actually, we may postpone having a baby because she has long covid bc we want to be the best parents possible. Unlike you, I guess. Bless your heart, you sweet lady.

Who are the assholes who like fireworks? And why?

Yes but what about the baby? This girl is clearly not ready to be a good mother. She’s a mess.

Please place the baby for adoption. Please. You are not fit to be a good mother right now. You sound like a middle-schooler.