When I was a kid I thought the name Cyan for a boy was the coolest thing ever.

Fantastic commentary, I agree 100%.

I had a table once who after I greeted them and rang in the first round of drinks went up to the host stand to ask for a new server because “I talked too fast and made them feel rushed”. They were also mad that I asked if they had an appetizer in mind as I was getting the drink order (as the steps of service required me to do there).

Some people have extremely rigid views of how service should look, and when reality doesn’t match up (because it’s an insane view) they get mad that we didn’t read their mind. It somehow never occurs to them to mention they would like to take their time and let the server react accordingly.

I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily disrespectful not to wipe the mark off, but it’s extremely cool of someone if they do wipe it. Just an extra step to help out that a lot of people wouldn’t think to do.

Thanks for clarifying, that seems like a unique situation. Very few restaurants give servers sections that large, I usually come across circumstances of a dozen+ tables only when I am a closing server and technically am in charge of the entire restaurant after everyone else is cut. Lots of bigger restaurant groups limit sections, one famously to 3 table maximums.

Private event bartending is always fun, I used to work with a catering group and people typically are happy and celebrating in my experience. Especially nice not having to deal with service tickets plus base hourly is often higher.

May I ask about the layout of your job? As a bartender I have a 30 seat bar, plus I run tabs of people who choose to stand by the wall where we have little ledges they can put their drinks on. Servers have 5-7 table sections on busy nights, I can easy quadruple the number of tabs even the busiest server is running at one time at my job. While also maintaining service well and ringing all call in take out orders. Our servers work HARD don’t get me wrong, but the bar absolutely has consistently more volume.

I bought a necklace from rockets to roses that has a little Israel made with metal from Hamas rockets, I wear that every day. I do tuck it in during work hours, but that is because I work with the general public and would rather not engage when in in a professional environment. I work at a bar so while most discussions about the war and Israel in general are polite when they do arise, mixing alcohol with these conversations just feels like tempting fate.

My favorite quote from a former manager of mine is “baileys in coffee isn’t drinking, that’s just waking up”. To be fair I am a bartender and a good percentage of us are functioning alcoholics so maybe not the best sample population.

That was one of the craziest things for me when I first moved here from the Midwest, there are a million different grocery stores! Where I’m from you get Kroger, Walmart, Costco/Sam’s club and that’s it. Which I thought was a lot at the time 😂

Where I work we have a rooftop bar that is considered an “on call” shift, but only due to the weather. That is the only kind I find acceptable, I get the business has to schedule a couple weeks in advance and no one can be 100% sure of the weather that early. If it rains the rooftop bartenders either get the night off or work a first cut inside shift.

The only reason I could imagine your location doing that (assuming you don’t have a large outdoor seating area) would be to combat call offs? Which is nuts imo, if they have so many call offs they have to schedule backup employees just in case there needs to be a major overhaul.

“Sorry it’s a liability for me to handle phones and other expensive electronics owned by our guests. If you’d like to charge your phone the outlet is here”.

I usually tip in cash and just didn’t have as much on me as I would have liked so I put like $10 on the card as a tip to supplement and wrote +cash next to it.

The bartender (who I knew) came up to ask why I wrote the word trash on their tip line 😭

I changed to my wife’s last name when we got married (I’m a woman) because I liked how it sounded and I loved the idea of us sharing a name as we officially became a family. It was right for us, but it’s certainly not right for everyone.

My current place is the first bar I’ve ever worked that does 1.5oz pours for rocks/neat. I agree it seems dumb, we do 2oz pours for martinis/old fashions with a small upcharge. The only reasoning I can come up with is that we have several colleges nearby, maybe they are worried about young people accidentally ordering too much liquor per drink? Again that seems dumb, although I did just have a young lady order “one house spirit please” and seemed confused on why I immediately asked for ID 😂

There are a variety of consequences that happen when deadlines are not met, heavy fines, bad press and increased scrutiny by oversight boards are all negative consequences of this store not meeting their deadlines. I wouldn’t say that this is a lesson in how no deadline is ever actually important just because it doesn’t lead to the immediate shuttering of the store and ruination of the owners.

I have a manager whose parents didn’t believe in concussions, until she was in high school and got two within a week and temporarily lost her vision due to them. Apparently they are still a little skeptical too even after that.

We had a server at a restaurant I used to work at who no call no showed, we were alllllll talking shit until his family called a day or two later to tell us he passed away in his sleep after mixing alcohol with his heart medication. I’ve never felt like a bigger piece of trash in my life, and also made a conscious effort to be more careful with my words when I know I don’t have all the info. It does suck but all we can do is learn what we can from these situations and try to be better in the future 💕

Walked with just over $800, I closed the rooftop bar after a bar crawl, and split tips with my co-bartender who worked volume and obviously tipped the bar backs fat too.

They advertised one free drink to anyone participating in the bar crawl so it got pretty wild, and plenty of people just got their free drink and bounced. Even with that I’m certainly not mad at the end result!

I mean I just heard of the shot called “cum in a hot tub” from another thread, it’s raspberry vodka and triple sec chilled with room temp creamer dropped in the middle. Probably not the look you were going for, maybe if you subbed blue curaçao for the triple? Although that may just turn it into “cum in a swimming pool”

“No no this guy never went to school. He grew up in the hills but he wrote the book on homemade bait. Course it’s just a bunch of scribbles cause he never went to school”

When I was in third grade I cut my hair into a pixie cut because an older neighbor did the same and she looked AMAZING. I was out at recess roughhousing with friends one day right after the haircut, and my friend had grabbed my head causing the recess monitor to come over and say loudly “what’re you doing to that boy, loving on him?”

I am not a boy, and as soon as I looked up at the recess monitor with tears in my eyes he just went OH and walked straight away. I am now 30 years old and have had long hair ever since. I definitely learned even well meaning people can be hurtful, and even cisgender people who are confident in their gender identity can have moments of discomfort! I do not look masculine at all, but at 5’3” and 110 pounds I still have the fear that I’ll look like a teenage boy if I try cutting my hair any shorter than my ass.

I’m sorry that happened though! That employee should really be more tactful in their approach. Sounds like the kind of person who goes up to random women and asks them “how far along” they are 🙄