Concierge Key

Oh come on! Wear it on the plane!

Concierge Key

That’s a 6.5 hour drive. You can get there quicker by car. Why would you do that to yourself?

My rule of thumb is sump 15 minutes after refueling. It depends on the airplane since fuel tanks are different-but I always went with the 15 minute rule just to be safe.

I remember one time flying a 152 back in the early 2000s, I was pre-flighting and saw the tanks were around half. I had the fuel truck guy come over to top off the tanks. It rained hard the night before. After the tanks were topped off, I had to sump the each side SIX times to get the water out before it was all blue.

Always sump, verify enough fuel and oil before departure. Don’t trust anyone else.

Open container isn’t a big deal as long as it was a ticket only. You were NOT arrested correct?

Regardless, I’d hire an attorney and let them fight this for you in terms of expungement.

I would report this immediately via HIMS though.

Global 5000

Not true. You can get it expunged regardless of the outcome.

You don’t need it with just 3 hours under your belt. Also, 2 instructors already? Learn the basics and then get it after you solo. No need to be distracted when you have a CFI there to help you out.

That is awesome! Congrats on the acquisition! Shoot me a PM if you ever come up to the NE. I’d love to see one in person.

These are pretty rare aircraft out there in terms of production numbers. Were able to get ahold of one?

Why would you buy your one year old a seat? Since you bought a seat for your toddler, the FAs were simply enforcing the policy that every passenger with a seat assignment needs to be seated. Sorry they were rude to you, but it sounds like they were just trying to cover their behinds.

I have a 68 PA28R180. That thing is more reliable than anything that’s been out the last 15 years. I’m not sure how long you’ve been around aviation or took the time to read data from the past 70 years, but do some research.

I compare airplanes to houses-they just don’t build them like they used to.

As a commercial pilot with 25 years of experience, you cannot think like that. Being over confident will get you in trouble or even killed very quickly. Eat a big slice of humble pie and learn from your mistakes.

I have to back ludacris_speed77 on this. Well said Sir!

Concierge Key

Correct. If there is no interline/codeshare agreement, the 2nd leg (airline 2) is not protected which might cause a cancellation on airline 2 both ways. Now you know to never do this again.

Nobody has mentioned this-I would never use that agency again. They should know better to never build a reservation with 2 airlines.

What is airline number 2?

Global 5000

Definitely second this! Congrats and have a great time!

Highway to the Danger Zone playing on a YouTube video when the aircraft is a piston.

Concierge Key

Easy button from staples

No possible pilot deviations to see here!

Honesty will get you a long way in life. Good for you telling the truth. Now just don’t do that again.

You’re going to have to build up trust with your instructor again so be prepared to get some criticism and eat a slice of humble pie.

High speed passes only in the Sopwith Camel listening to Mozart Requiem in D minor. Show. Stopper.

Global 5000

It depends on how fast you want to get your ratings. It’s completely on your schedule. You can definitely work, but that will cut down on studying/flying. You’ll just have to prioritize.

Global 5000

80k is a good number. Take a few lessons. If you love it, try to get a partnership on a plane. It’s much cheaper that way plus better availability. Find a CFI and tell them your plans. Crank it out. You can realistically have PPL IFR CPL and 1500 hours in 1.5 years depending on where you live.

Good luck to you. Keep us updated.