A good rule of thumb is shutter should be twice the focal length to avoid blur from hand shaking. So 1/160 should have been fast enough if you don't have particularly shaky hands.

I don't know but I'm sure as fuck not going to be the one to find out. I've been wearing t-shirts on the beach and so on ever since experiencing HI.

Honestly, it's probably been good for my overall cancer risk.

En ting jeg er meget glad for.

Jeg har og avler krybdyr, de kræver varme. Folk i udlandet laver nødplaner om hvordan de kan undgå deres dyr dør af kulde hvis nu de skulle miste strømmen i flere dage om vinteren. Det er bare ikke en ting jeg skal bekymre mig om.

Har skrevet med nogen der kaldte mig uansvarlig for ikke at have en nødplan. De troede ikke på sådan en større flerdages strømafbrydelse vitterligt ikke er sket i landet i min levetid.

Ikke i den her situation. Du kan ikke være i højre vejbanen og lovligt benytte dig af afkørslen til Sønder Tranders, hvor OP gerne vil hen.

Det er heller ikke generelt sådan man bør bruge dobbelt sporet rundkørsler, men lige i den her er det ekstra forkert

Just for info. That roundabout isn't a normal two lane roundabout. The diagram doesn't as much tell you what you are supposed to do as it is telling you the only way of doing it.

Normally you can take the right lane in a two lane roundabout and exit in the fourth exit. You are not supposed to, but you can. Or enter in the left lane and take the first exit. In this one you can't (without doing some illegal lane change).

Especially with AI denoiser.

This image is taken with a 400mm at F8 and ISO5000 and quite heavily cropped on top. The image quality isn't like pro photographer with an R5 and a $10.000 prime level IQ obviously, but it's fine.


Thank you. At the price I will also argue that lens cannot be beat. Obviously the 100-500 or the 200-800 are better, but they cost like 4 times as much, if not more.

You tell me?  

Yes it has some limits, but when conditions are good, you can get good images I'll argue.

Cheaper and better than the options OP lists.

What lens would make the most sense to buy?

Not one of those two.

200mm on full frame for birds is arguably unusable, 300mm arguably isn't enough either. For full frame I think most will agree you should have at least 400mm.

Luckily Canon sell a 400lens that is better for birding than either lens you are considering, it's native RF and it's cheaper, well within your budget even: The RF100-400mm. Bonus in that it will allow you to dabble in "macro'ish" nature photography.

And do remember. Aperture isn't the only thing that decides amount of bokeh, it's aperture, focal length, distance to subject and distance to background. If you mind your background you can get silky smooth backgrounds at F8 with a 400mm. As I like to think this image I've taken with the RF100-400 on an RP, demonstrates.

I actually happen to have a friend who also has an RP, we go on photowalks together. He has a 70-200mm F2.8, he has gotten one usable image of a bird on our walks, I've gotten many. He would verify that having a 200mm for birds sucks.


People doesn't have to have kept hots to know that's poor husbandry.

Venomous snakes do not have different needs or basic biology as opposed to other snakes. The difference is the precautions you make to keep yourself safe.

It's not a flex to have that much keeping experience and still being so ignorant

For sure, I agree so much. But the people who might change their opinion based on my comment probably don't care about the people you are talking about.

There's a lot of " I don't care about others' situations, I just want my car" appealing to making parenting job easier might actually make them see some value in it.

Check out his first TV appearance . He was so nervous his famous outgoing personality didn't come out at all. He was so shy you could see him consider if he should just ignore being bit by the snake he was handling

I don't think a single person on earth influenced me more than Steve, and I've never even met the dude.

I do private climate change mitigation research today and I'm on the board in a volunteer organisation that, amoung many other things, do conservation projects for reptiles and amphibians. It's all because of the influence he had on me as a child.

Det var meget dumt. Fravær kunne ikke "undskyldes" (engang havde mit gym en gut der lavede et eller andet volds relateret, og den persons lærer havde fjernet fravær fra dagen det skete, så han havde jo beviser for alibi) og hele advarsel systemet kørte automatisk.

Prøvede at sige til sekretæren at det møde med rektor nok var lidt fjollet, men de ville ikke høre på mine "undskyldninger".

Det gik cirka sådan her da jeg kom ind til hans kontor. "Hey OP, hvordan var Frankrig?" "Frankrig var nice, men det er også grunden til jeg er her" "Vent, der står fravær samtale i min kalender". "Nemlig" "OP, har vi kaldt dig en til samtale for det fravær du fik imens du var i Frankrig på udveksling" "Det har I bestemt" ".... Bare gå tilbage til undervisningen OP, jeg for lige aflyst de fem andre fraværs møder jeg har i dag med de andre fra de klasse."

Men "advarslen" var stadig i systemet, så skete det igen ville min far automatisk blive kaldt ind for "gentagende overtrædelser af fraværs politikken".

And besides being nice for one self, it increases your kids independence.

Where I live in Europe, how pedestrian/bike friendly a community is a relevant predictor of house value. And a lot of that is that people want to live where they don't have to drive their kids around to everything.

It gives me more free time that my kid will be able to get himself to school, to sports after school and around the town to his friends. While it gives him freedom not being reliant on his parents schedule if he wants to do something.

But it's still cheaper than the alternative, so cost is a pretty dumb argument (though I am aware people make it).

The developed cities still invest money in infrastructure. Every year they expand roadways and change layouts to try to keep up with increased demand from an expanding population. But moving people away from cars, over to usable public transport, bikes and walking is way more effective at decreasing congestion and the infrastructure that's required is cheaper to build than car centric infrastructure.

And that's ignoring that roads require maintenance. Every time you resurface a large portion of road, would be a good opportunity to make that road more suitable for other means of traffic than just cars.

Jeg fik advarsel og kom til samtale med rektor grundet mit fravær i et fag rundede 12%. Alt mit fravær skyldtes jeg var en del af gymnasiet udvekslings program 😅

No we aren't. Red wine is not served cold, as it is not meant to. Everything else is.

I'm Danish. No-one drinks room temperature drinks if a cold drink is an option. I haven't experienced it while travelling either, not in Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Greece, Spain, the Netherlands etc.

Drinks generally won't be 50% ice cubes, but they will be cold from the fridge. Unless you are on a picnic or something like it. We don't carry around heavy coolers to avoid warm drinks at all costs

That's too bad. Many vintage lenses are at least cheap enough that they can be justified buying for the shots you can do with them.

Besides that I sadly don't have much to add. Kinda think the DSLR era was kinda boring for lenses. Before digital there were many very unique lenses and with mirrorless they have started coming back, but for a while lenses were kinda just standard for a while.