Listened to WRTI in undergrad during commutes to work

For real. Unemployment benefits are very good in MA.

Also here for this post. I think finding a decent burger is more mythical than quest for pizza

Stoked to see some new recs to try

Not somerville but my fave is state park.

Southern pine at bow market has been doing an occasional smash burger pop up thats pretty lit

I find with weight bearing pain in the wrists and elbows it often comes from tightness in the shoulder. Try doing some shoulder mobility work for a couple weeks and see if that helps.

The clouds have been incredible the last couple days

You can make a request on 311!

Just following up on this. Right now, I'm going through the same process and trying to figure out what makes more sense.

What have you found or decided over the last year? (assuming you kept doing zone 2 work?)

The article has like five different options for opting out of physical junk mail! I would highly recommend doing all of them!

Went through almost all of these a couple years ago and it pretty much eliminated my junk mail.

EDIT: to remove yourself from mspark, use this url: The url in the article is broken

That's cool! Are the grey holds always on for different climbs? Or are you supposed to not use them still?

Get a couple good air purifiers!

Brush her regularly.

Consider a robot vacuum or just vacuum dailyish.

If you have insurance and it covers it consider allergy shots.

We went to somerville city hall post pandemic. It was really lovely and would recomend. There was an opportunity to exchange vows and rings etc. they also made sure we took photos. We actually brought a photographer in with us who took photos the whole time.

If your cats are still in stress mode consider asking about Prozac. Had a super similar experience when we brought home a puppy. Discovered after 6 months that one of the cats had been using a closet we rarely go into as a litter box. Had to throw out thousands of dollars of stuff.

Anyway wish we’d considered prozac sooner. They mostly calmed down but one was having aggression issues attacking the dog with no warning, while the dog was sleeping etc. vet offered prozac and the aggression is gone, but she’s also a much happier cat. Think a lot of what i had read as ‘she’s just a weirdo cat how cute’ was actually some anxiety/stress

Just had this exact thing happen to me, repotted and it was actually three plants

Haha i do sometimes. I essentially do the above step and then infuse coconut oil. Makes it very easy to be exact in your dosing. Will have .1g of weed oil for a microdose. Dont feel high or anything just enough to smooth the edges

I will do this for anxiety sometimes.

47 days

Hey friend.

As others have said, for me the alcoholic label is complicated and not always helpful. It's complicated and there's so much cultural and social and familial baggage wrapped up in the definition.

For me—when I frame it like that—I'm an alcoholic when I regret drinking too much the day after. But I'm never an alcoholic when I'm cracking a beer at 2pm or bargaining with myself to not drink at the party unless there's something really good, but then only two drinks.

I just had to ask myself, am I comfortable with the amount I'm drinking, and am I comfortable with the way my brain tricks itself into letting me drink more than I want to when the day begins? And the answer has mostly been No. No, I'm not.

As a former daily drinker, but not yet fully sober person, I just try every day not to drink. Sometimes the lizard brain wins and I have beer while I'm making dinner, sometimes it loses and I manage a week or more without drinking.

Regardless, a far cry better than the daily half bottle of wine I was.


Yeah theres no difference. You have to switch every couple years anyway when they jack your prices up

Had to get all the way to this comment to realize y’all werent seriously considering an exorcism type situation.