This sign pisses me off


I absolutely agree with the sentiment not to abuse the staff for the corporate decision not to pay people what they're worth. The truth of this sign is that if they paid a competitive, living wage, they wouldn't be short staffed. Folks would be clamoring to work here. Short staffed is code for "we don't pay our employees enough to keep them so we can maximize our profits" and is just this side of "nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK".

This is the correct answer. Dropped off a dress shirt today and paid $1.99.

I think they’re wonderful. I had a salted caramel milkshake today as a matter of fact. My wife gets loaded ones sometimes and hasn’t complained. Cookies are just so-so.

Be careful: they’re more addictive than crack.

Came for this - it doesn’t get enough love on this sub.

We bought a whole office full of their professional line stuff in about 2000 and it is still going strong. You get what you pay for though.

I would 100% say you’re right, but I can’t find anything on the Internet. This is another one of those Berenstein beats mass hallucinations. I feel like I can hear it in my head right now.

I wish I thought of this with mine. My 9/11 flight to Atlanta departed about 30 minutes after the plane carrying the hijackers. It’s weird to think I might have stood in a Starbucks line behind them.

Thanks - I appreciate the insight!

Sugar Knob?

Has anyone hiked Sugar Knob recently, and if so, can you give me some insight into the current trail? Is it well marked? I’m thinking about doing an overnight backpack this weekend given the unseasonable warmer weather.

Filtering on Hiking Upward suggests this is a Goldilocks trail for what I’m after, but the last post was four years ago. I’m looking for a medium difficulty hike with plenty of camping options, reliable access to water I can filter, and decent views. Mostly, I’m looking for a little solitude and a well marked trail.


I’ve never heard a more ELI5 version of his story before. Or the archetype you’re describing.

I might need to do that. I guess it’s possible my subconscious is reframing his cameos in my viewing history with a more recent lens.

Obviously, by my OP, I think he was a punchline. I feel like people wanted him in cameos and stuff because he was the joke. The stupid hair, and the obviously poor style were obviously over the top. I feel like he just never caught on that he was the joke.

Right. But somehow he’s a billionaire now. Even if he’s worth hundreds of millions, he somehow rebounded from being the idiot who could lose tens of millions. I just don’t get it.

I’ve searched Target, Pet Smart, and Amazon, but no luck. I know this is a long shot, but you guys often surprise us. True to size glass banana for size since I didn’t have the real thing.

After years of growing disappointment with Doc Martens, I finally committed to finding something better. Allen Edmonds had the exact style I wanted, but they were $450. I waited until Black Friday/Cyber Monday and got them for nearly half off.

So far, I love the boots. They feel amazing, unlike my Docs which required inserts to feel supportive. I haven’t needed to condition or treat them yet, but I think I’m a convert.

That’s the one that cements the cringe.

Seventeen by Winger. Both song and video would be canceled at release.