On my umpteenth play through now I've been using my tripcaster a lot more than I used to. I think I only used traps in the cauldron. Now that I've got my shieldweaver armor i doubt I'll be so cautious, but I took a long break so my reflexes just aren't what they used to be.

That's gotta be the cutest handwriting I've ever seen.

With my first, the nurse told us the same thing. I emptied everything out of the little basket it came in, then she was like, "oh, don't you want the container too?" Hell yeah lady, I'll take the container, thanks.

With my second, I wasn't given hardly anything, but every other aspect of my stay was better so no complaints from me!

The preservatives make it easier to dissect to see the structures too. The muscles separate easier because it makes the tissue firmer. The connective tissue between muscles turns in to a sort of fibrous cobwebby texture too, so it's easier to get through. The scalpels don't get tossed either, they need fresh blades but the rest of it gets washed and reused.

I've cut up a lot of fresh meat for cooking and I've done a lot of dissections for my bio degree. I'm currently taking anatomy and dissecting a cat so the info is pretty fresh in my mind.

I totally forgot that I had one of these! I was so excited to get it, then hated the dang thing.

My husband thinks I'm crazy when I tell him he smells good after working on the car. I'm glad I'm not alone!

Boy howdy, I thought this was going to be about how we're close to the date the Faro Plague began. I spent half the post trying to figure out how zombies and whatnot had anything to do with robots. What an incredibly wild ride.

It's just a chairdog from the Dune universe. Totally normal and really not weird at all

I'm replaying Zero Dawn right now and I had almost forgotten how annoying it was sometimes to find the next ledge. FW at least lets you find it with your focus.

As horrible as it sounds, it would be so much easier if my pup was just sad when I trimmed his nails. He thinks I'm playing and gets so incredibly excited when he sees the clippers that I'm lucky to get a couple half done at a time. Everything is a big game to him haha

If you took Bo singing and pitched it up would he sound like you?

I would absolutely buy the pattern if you decide to sell it! Thanks so much for taking the time to respond.

I am in love with those rainbow earrings. Not sure if this is rude in the beading community, but did you follow a pattern you would mind sharing?

I loved them so much! The taste and feel was so... synthetic but they were so fun.

That's the moment the show died for me. Don't get me wrong, I watched past there, but I've never rewatched.

Not everyone is a bug person, but that would get on my nerves as well. Giving them some moth-y coloring would help in that regard.

Whenever I'm watching Grey's in the living room my teenager always asks if we can skip to when April gets there.

Never thought I'd see something from Sapulpa show up here, much less something that I agree with. Strange world it is.

He was told multiple times that she was crazy and their relationship was inappropriate.

Ooh, yes! With her coloring and lip shape it would give a pin-up vibe that would look amazing on her!

Ladybug babies look punk AF too! I love that they go from spiky little rockers to elegant domes. Just look at the little guy!

It would be hilarious if it weren't our law makers actually wasting their time on this performative nonsense. It's just silly.