At the same time, what high level politician isn’t that insulated at this point? It’s what the system has become.

Either way, they can Weekend at Bernie’s his ass around until 1/20/2029 for all I care, at least whoever is calling the shots won’t be trying to become the king/supreme leader.

For what it’s worth, the rollback didn’t apply to the brakes on that train anyway (it was only for “high hazard” trains, which technically that train was not, somehow) but yeah it’s still blue man bad regardless of context in that area

This is big for him. Look at East Palestine - none of those morons (I was raised in Columbiana County so I have zero issue saying that) are going to vote for him, or anyone with a D by their name. The area has brain drained hard right, and the GOP Chairman in the county was running the party as a cult at least a decade before Trump made it cool. But Brown has been fighting to get them what they deserve from Norfolk Southern and the government because it’s the right thing to do.

Interestingly, Kroger doesn’t even exist in the most populated part of the state (NE), they pulled out in the 80s and haven’t come back.


It was down most of Monday too. It opened late, and ran a handful of times before they closed it again. My wife was at a picnic table in front of the pop refill stand next to it with the kids (I was in a food line elsewhere) and she said when the ride came into an end it wouldn’t lock into place (so it was rocking back and forth gently, in the straight position - that lock worked - in front of the operator stand). They got them off a few minutes later once it stopped and they got it secured, and the mechanic was entering again when I got back to the table and the kids were finishing their lunch.

EDIT: it appears it has yet to run again since what I described above.

No debate will do that between these two idiots, and possibly no debate will ever do that again in general. They’ve been useless for a few election cycles now. I’m surprised they agreed to do any at all.

We actually had it the other way around Monday. We have 6 year old twins that just hit 48”, they like smaller ones like Iron Dragon and Wild Mouse. App said 25 for Iron Dragon, it was maybe 10-15. App said 45 for Wild Mouse, was more like 20.

It’s also typical to get everything but the DUI dropped in exchange for a guilty plea for a first offense (so initial charge or not, it was never going to carry through)

As mentioned below, it’s more of a remedial driving course than it is alcoholic treatment.

As for some of the other comments, she’s definitely a narcissist and needs constant attention, which between TV and social media, she gets. Regarding her punishment being preferential treatment, I disagree with that because she got basically what everyone ends up with for a first offense in Ohio (weekend in jail or the remedial course, big fine, work privileges). Based on that I don’t see the point of holding it against her forever: she massively fucked up, served the punishment, and hopefully she learned something and never does it again. I would agree that in general that the punishment is weak for a first offense DUI.

Do the 1000+ foot homers I hit by unlocking the all-star team of developers in Triple Play 98 count? Brent Nielsen could rake.

That doesn’t even narrow it down, because basically all mail in the entire state of NC goes through there (if not more). I have relatives on the NC coast, and when they send a greeting card it gets marked with the same Charlotte mark.

That sign is beat to shit, zoom in on it. It’s been around a while


That sign is not fresh. It’s sun faded to hell and back, and is definitely crumpled if not taped together on the top left corner (hard to tell)

That sign is from an obsessed weirdo - be it the liberal side that has put that in that yard for a decade and a half straight, or a conservative who is still so hung up on what happened 4 goddamn elections ago that it’s part of their vandalism.

It lies between the two extremes here. I don’t know that he has the talent to get anything bigger than he has lined up thus far, but if he can turn what he has from part time into full time that’s a good place to be to at least give himself a chance.

I think he’d be a good sideline reporter as well.

that 10% scraps is also 9% things they have rights to. According to ESPN the NHL didn’t exist when NBC had the contract, and NASCAR and IRL haven’t existed for about a decade now.

My wife rode Skyhawk a few weeks ago, I watched her ride because fuck that… when she was done I went to go pee and there was a guy puking in the bathroom (it’s right next to the ride). At least he made it that far.

Johnson won the last 4 elections in that district with 70% of the vote (give or take a few points) each time. To drop to 55% this time is quite a swing.

I get some of the timing… they had to have a primary first because multiple people wanted to fill the seat, which they did the normal primary day. But, that created confusion because people were voting, essentially, for the same thing twice at the same time (who in their party should fill it the remainder of this year, then who should fill it the 2 years after that). Then there’s the time to certify the primary, some campaign time, and here we are in June

It’ll move from ruby red to a slight tinge of purple. That’s about it.

And Stoltzfus is the bigger jackass of the two…

Doesn’t it have to be contested within x amount of days of the vacancy? Obviously they’d try some backhanded shit wherever possible but I don’t know that this is the case this time