Not a defense. I hate the guy. There is a difference. He hasn't been convicted. I wish he had.

The name is a reference to a breakfast cereal. I can see how it can be interpreted pretty badly though.

Damn straight, and order an investigation into possible charges of treason.

Normally no, but the problem lies in the part where the supreme Court states that no one in Congress nor the supreme Court can order an investigation to prove whether or not an action was legitimately an official act.

The president is considered the head of the armed forces, so he could order the military to assassinate a political opponent under some bullshit pretext that they were planning a terrorist attack. It would be an official act, and no one can say otherwise.

Only nine hours to get a tow truck!!!!! Wow! What great service.

Nothing wrong with the landscaping company! It's the politician you decided to back that was the problem.

I feel like I'm just repeating myself. I've told you why, twice.

The extreme cost. There are other reasons to keep the magnetic field going, to protect your populace and your technology from solar radiation, it's a monumental undertaking with little obvious advantage.

O'Neil cylinders are so simple we could almost start building them right away. By the time your planet is ready for colonization there could be hundreds of O'Neil cylinders that have been operating for generations housing a greater population than Mars could sustain anyways.

Farming in a space station wouldn't be difficult. And yeah, you'd have to mind your ores and minerals, but that could be mostly automated and the handful of people necessary could simply commute. Gravity can be safely simulated with large enough centrifuges, and O'Neil cylinders are essentially a giant pair of centrifuges running in opposite directions to maintain their stability.

If humans ever colonize space, most of us will live in space stations. I think it's probably incontrovertible. It's just too easy compared to the alternative.

And sure, eventually we'll find planets to live on that don't require terraforming, but those people will be the exception, not the rule.

Humans don't have to live on giant balls of rock, terraforming planets is stone age thinking applied to a space age problem.

"Then spin up your rotors and putt putt your ass away from me."

What's wrong with, "I like creepy things, if you don't like it then fuck off and die!"

Pointless comments don't deserve clever comebacks.


Noone had to read any of that backstory. The title was enough.

Your guy friend wants to sleep with you.

Space habitats. When space is colonized the vast majority of people will live in space stations, like O'Neil cylinders, not planets.

Terraforming a planet is just too expensive and time consuming.

To terraform mars we'd need to construct massive electromagnets to create an artificial magnetic field to keep the soon to be formed atmosphere from blowing away in solar storms.

Then what? Decades, maybe centuries of letting bacteria eat away at ice deposits to form a breathable atmosphere, while we maintain and power these monumental electromagnets.

Why? Build a station orbiting the planet, mine iron from the planet core, use the iron to build more stations.

Eventually planets may be found that can be colonized without massive terraforming, but they will be few and far between. The vast majority of people will live in space stations.

It's going to boil down to the individuals involved.

There is a misconception that soldiers tend to be highly trained in unarmed combat, this often isn't the case. The soldiers who are good at unarmed combat are the soldiers who seek it out for themselves and practice on their own time.

Various forms of boxing and wrestling were practiced in the 1800's that a civilian could be familiar with that would allow them to defeat even a special forces soldier in unarmed combat.

I haven't seen the show in question, but it's certainly possible for a civilian from the 1800's to beat a modern soldier in unarmed combat

Personally, I look for someone who acts like they are geniuses, but only seem capable of very shallow conversations. The narcissist I knew loved to talk your ear off, but all conversations were either small talk or criticisms or other people for minor fashion faux paus.

Oh yeah, I'd never recommend someone actually pull something like that. It would be nice though

Just retcon them back to their original characteristics. In their first appearance they weren't the monster of the month trying to assimilate and add people to their collective.

They were a race so advanced that they didn't even consider the people on the enterprise to be an intelligent species. Their only interest in the Enterprise was breaking down the elements in the enterprise hull for their own use. They could have destroyed the Enterprise in a heartbeat if they chose to.

Take his knee out with a low kick and when he's writhing in pain on the ground ask him, "Can you hear me now?"

The gods left, and without their influence the order they created fell apart. Dwarfs were traditionally very orderly, and some started to become more lawless and independent, leaving the underground to live on the surface. The dwarfen families I mentioned who lived as rangers are all too independently minded to live with their kin under the surface.

The elves were traditionally on the other end of the spectrum, living long solitary lives with no ambition other than to care for the forests they called home. Some of them became ambitious and engineered a war to try to consolidate all authority to themselves. They lost the war, but the normal order was shattered.

The elves who participated were cursed and exiled to the swamp that was once their forest home.

The dwarfs were splintered into mountain dwarfs, hill dwarfs, and coastal dwarfs who lived by the sea and became accomplished fishermen and ship builders. Some remained homeless and became travelling performers or bandits.

Coastal dwarfs lost their more rotund body shape as they adapted to their new environments. They have more streamlined bodies and are accomplished swimmers.

The elves trapped in the swamps became ugly. They gathered into covens and used their magic to cause pain and suffering in the world while they plotted their revenge.

Humans live in the plains and represent the middle path between the extremes of the dwarfs and elves, as such members of both races who can't adapt to their own nations will flock to human kingdoms where they are more comfortable.

The idea behind this world was a conflict between order and independence, not good and evil.

I hope Elon and Trump both run for president in 2028, so I can see these cultists little minds explode when they have to decide which Oligarch to pay homage to.

That's where they were given to live, but they don't all live underground.

There are a number of families that live outside and operate as border guards and rangers. Protecting the mountainsides from intruders, dangerous animals and enforcing their nations borders.

After the collapse they will abandon their mountain homes and build a nation for themselves as hill dwarves.

Only because his kids will fan the flames and beg for donations to fund the investigation that will prove he was "murdered."