I get it! As the main character was making increasingly bad decisions I kept thinking to myself "damn....there's kind of only one way this can end...." so when it ended exactly the way I expected it to I think I appreciated that the author wasn't afraid to really GO THERE and lean into the bleakness.

Finished Hausfrau (4/5) - when I posted about it in last week's books thread someone said that the ending didn't work for them, and while I thought the ending made sense for the narrative and the whole modern Anna Karenina/Madame Bovary vibe of the novel, it was definitely DEPRESSING.

Also finished Cleopatra and Frankenstein by Coco Mellors and not sure how I would rate this one. It was one of those books that I really enjoyed while I was reading it but with some distance and thinking about it more after finishing more critiques occur to me. I think the author was a bit too self-indulgently enamored with her cool quirky beautiful creative New Yorker characters, to the point that they never got fleshed out beyond those qualities. The various issues that the main characters had, like depression/suicidal ideation and alcoholism, seemed to kind of come out of nowhere and to serve only to drive the plot forward and create conflict, rather than to be organic to the characters. But, it was definitely well-written, especially considering it's the author's first novel, and I'm looking forward to checking out her second book Blue Sisters when it's released later this year.

Currently reading The Great Believers and it's honestly not doing much for me. I'm just not connecting with any of it yet, but I'll keep giving it a chance.

[Routine help] Help me solve a skincare mysteryRoutine Help

TL;DR: I had the appearance of "volume loss" from tretinoin. Then I discovered an application method that totally fixed it. Then it stopped working and got worse. What gives?

Going to preface this novel of a post by clarifying that I am not actually saying that tretinoin caused volume or facial fat loss, as I know there's no evidence that tret can do that and it's a hotly disputed topic in this sub. I don't think that tret actually killed my facial fat or fat cells or whatever, just caused it to LOOK like I've had significant volume loss. However the point of this post is to say that I think there's an application technique that will fix it, I'm just trying to figure out what it is.

Ok backstory: I've been using tret consistently for just under 2 years now. Started with tretinoin 0.025% cream, then 0.05% cream, then switched to Altreno, now using tazarotene 0.05% gel. Before tret I used Differin for about 2 years. I've struggled with my skin my entire life - I had terrible acne as a teenager, have always had really oily and sensitive skin and large pores. BC largely cleared up my acne, but I still had a lot of redness and texture as well as some early signs of aging like fine lines. I started tret to address those issues - I wanted more even skin and the anti-aging benefits (I was 29 when I started tret). Maybe 2 months into using tret I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror, and saw a very different face from what I was used to: the eleven lines between my eyebrows were suddenly much more prominent, the tear troughs under my eyes were much deeper, my formerly-full cheeks were deflated and flat and the lines of malar bags visible at the top of my cheeks. I had no idea what was going on but chalked it up to the "tretinoin uglies" I had read about and assumed/hoped it would fix itself. Before anyone asks, I focus on hydration in my routine (my current routine's at the bottom of the post).

Needless to say, it didn't get better. I kept using tret however because it sort of seemed like the damage was done - I stopped using it for about a month hoping the volume loss would reverse but it stayed exactly the same, so I went back to using tret because it at least helped with my uneven skin tone and texture. Tret has given me the confidence to go outside without makeup for the first time in my adult life, but it's also radically altered and aged my face in a way I didn't think was possible.

BUT: last summer on a whim I added a new product to my routine. This was The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1% Serum. One day I applied it before tret (I know you're not supposed to use the two products together, I just didn't realize at the time). The next day I woke up with the best skin of my life: even, glowy, not oily or dry, just perfectly balanced. Most shockingly, the seeming "volume loss" was gone. The eleven lines between my eyebrows were smoothed out, tear troughs not hollow, cheeks full and malar bags gone. My face looked fuller and more youthful than it had even before I started tret.

I thought all my problems were solved and I could finally, finally be happy with my skin. I stuck to the routine that seemed to work of applying TO Copper Peptides Serum before tret. One time I tried applying tret without that product beforehand, and indeed my skin went back to the borderline-skeletal appearance it had previously. So that product really seemed to be the silver bullet to me.

But then one day it just...stopped working. I didn't change anything about my routine, but the appearance of volume loss came back. It was like my skin got used to whatever the effect of that serum before tret was and it stopped being effective. I went crazy trying to find a duplicate - I assumed the effective ingredient was the copper peptides, so I tried a bunch of other peptide and copper peptide products. Then one day I looked more closely at the list of ingredients in that serum and noticed the third-listed ingredient: Lactococcus Ferment Lysate. I had a serum lying around that a friend had given me that contained Lactococcus Ferment Lysate as the 2nd ingredient, BABOR Moisture Glow Serum. I applied that before tret one night and sure enough, bouncy beautiful glowy skin the next day. The same thing happened though: within 1-2 months, the effects seemed to wear off and my skin went back to how it was looking before. I panic-bought a bunch of products containing as many different fermented ingredients as I could, and while those helped somewhat for a while, I never had the full bouncy glow that I had the first couple times I applied products containing Lactococcus Ferment Lysate pre-tret. Currently, even though I'm still using all these different ferment products in my routine, whatever limited effect they were having on the appearance of volume loss is entirely gone. If anything, some of the appearance of aging has gotten worse just in the past couple weeks: the eleven lines between my eyebrows used to only be visible in certain lights, now they're permanently visible and there's a deep divot I can feel whenever I touch my forehead. While I know aging is natural and tret can't stop it, I just feel like I have visible signs of skin aging that were abruptly caused by tret.

Basically I'm at my wit's end and am posting this as a last resort in case anyone has thoughts, insights, suggestions. I don't think tret has actually caused permanent facial fat loss, but I do think there's something about how I'm applying tret that is causing it to LOOK like I've had facial fat loss. The only thing I've found that helps is applying products containing ferments pre-tret, but those effects are temporary and seem to stop working after around 6 weeks. Currently no products containing ferments seem to be working - it's like my skin got oversaturated on them. Stopping tret doesn't seem to work either, it seems like I have to apply tret, just in a very specific way, in order to reverse whatever damaging effects it's had on my skin.

If anyone has ANY ideas about why the ferments would work and then stop working, alternate application techniques, etc. please let me know. I've tried different strengths and vehicles of tret (and now taz), I've tried short contact therapy, nothing seems to do it. The only thing that's ever made a difference are these stupid ferments but their effects seem to have a short lifespan.

Here's my current nighttime routine:

  • double cleanse with TO Squalane cleanser and Vanicream cleanser
  • Benton Fermentation Essence
  • Peach Slices Snail Mucin Toner
  • BABOR Moisture Glow Serum
  • Numbuzin No 3 Serum (I just ran out of this but had been using it until last week)
  • MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Ampoule 5x
  • Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion
  • Tazret .05% gel (every three nights)
  • Vanicream Moisturizing Cream

AM routine is just the Hado Labo and sunscreen (St Jane Beauty SPF 30).

I've tried leaving out each of these products, I've tried applying tret on bare skin and everything else after, doesn't make a difference. At this point I'm using these products just to use them up, they don't seem to be having any positive or negative effects.

If anyone makes it to the end of this saga and has anything to suggest, I'll be eternally grateful ❤️ I've scoured the skincare subs for similar experiences but while others seem to have the same kind of volume loss I do, I haven't seen anyone report being able to fix or reverse it, which makes me a bit panicky. Especially if anyone has any thoughts about the ferments thing and why they worked and then stopped working I'd love to know because it's baffling to me.

Help me solve a skincare mysteryPersonal / Miscellaneous

TL;DR: I had the appearance of "volume loss" from tretinoin. Then I discovered an application method that totally fixed it. Then it stopped working and got worse. What gives?

Going to preface this novel of a post by clarifying that I am not actually saying that tretinoin caused volume or facial fat loss, as I know there's no evidence that tret can do that and it's a hotly disputed topic in this sub. I don't think that tret actually killed my facial fat or fat cells or whatever, just caused it to LOOK like I've had significant volume loss. However the point of this post is to say that I think there's an application technique that will fix it, I'm just trying to figure out what it is.

Ok backstory: I've been using tret consistently for just under 2 years now. Started with tretinoin 0.025% cream, then 0.05% cream, then switched to Altreno, now using tazarotene 0.05% gel. Before tret I used Differin for about 2 years. I've struggled with my skin my entire life - I had terrible acne as a teenager, have always had really oily and sensitive skin and large pores. BC largely cleared up my acne, but I still had a lot of redness and texture as well as some early signs of aging like fine lines. I started tret to address those issues - I wanted more even skin and the anti-aging benefits (I was 29 when I started tret). Maybe 2 months into using tret I woke up one day, looked at myself in the mirror, and saw a very different face from what I was used to: the eleven lines between my eyebrows were suddenly much more prominent, the tear troughs under my eyes were much deeper, my formerly-full cheeks were deflated and flat and the lines of malar bags visible at the top of my cheeks. I had no idea what was going on but chalked it up to the "tretinoin uglies" I had read about and assumed/hoped it would fix itself. Before anyone asks, I focus on hydration in my routine (my current routine's at the bottom of the post).

Needless to say, it didn't get better. I kept using tret however because it sort of seemed like the damage was done - I stopped using it for about a month hoping the volume loss would reverse but it stayed exactly the same, so I went back to using tret because it at least helped with my uneven skin tone and texture. Tret has given me the confidence to go outside without makeup for the first time in my adult life, but it's also radically altered and aged my face in a way I didn't think was possible.

BUT: last summer on a whim I added a new product to my routine. This was The Ordinary Multi-Peptide + Copper Peptides 1% Serum. One day I applied it before tret (I know you're not supposed to use the two products together, I just didn't realize at the time). The next day I woke up with the best skin of my life: even, glowy, not oily or dry, just perfectly balanced. Most shockingly, the seeming "volume loss" was gone. The eleven lines between my eyebrows were smoothed out, tear troughs not hollow, cheeks full and malar bags gone. My face looked fuller and more youthful than it had even before I started tret.

I thought all my problems were solved and I could finally, finally be happy with my skin. I stuck to the routine that seemed to work of applying TO Copper Peptides Serum before tret. One time I tried applying tret without that product beforehand, and indeed my skin went back to the borderline-skeletal appearance it had previously. So that product really seemed to be the silver bullet to me.

But then one day it just...stopped working. I didn't change anything about my routine, but the appearance of volume loss came back. It was like my skin got used to whatever the effect of that serum before tret was and it stopped being effective. I went crazy trying to find a duplicate - I assumed the effective ingredient was the copper peptides, so I tried a bunch of other peptide and copper peptide products. Then one day I looked more closely at the list of ingredients in that serum and noticed the third-listed ingredient: Lactococcus Ferment Lysate. I had a serum lying around that a friend had given me that contained Lactococcus Ferment Lysate as the 2nd ingredient, BABOR Moisture Glow Serum. I applied that before tret one night and sure enough, bouncy beautiful glowy skin the next day. The same thing happened though: within 1-2 months, the effects seemed to wear off and my skin went back to how it was looking before. I panic-bought a bunch of products containing as many different fermented ingredients as I could, and while those helped somewhat for a while, I never had the full bouncy glow that I had the first couple times I applied products containing Lactococcus Ferment Lysate pre-tret. Currently, even though I'm still using all these different ferment products in my routine, whatever limited effect they were having on the appearance of volume loss is entirely gone. If anything, some of the appearance of aging has gotten worse just in the past couple weeks: the eleven lines between my eyebrows used to only be visible in certain lights, now they're permanently visible and there's a deep divot I can feel whenever I touch my forehead.

Basically I'm at my wit's end and am posting this as a last resort in case anyone has thoughts, insights, suggestions. I don't think tret has actually caused permanent facial fat loss, but I do think there's something about how I'm applying tret that is causing it to LOOK like I've had facial fat loss. The only thing I've found that helps is applying products containing ferments pre-tret, but those effects are temporary and seem to stop working after around 6 weeks. Currently no products containing ferments seem to be working - it's like my skin got oversaturated on them. Stopping tret doesn't seem to work either, it seems like I have to apply tret, just in a very specific way, in order to reverse whatever damaging effects it's had on my skin.

If anyone has ANY ideas about why the ferments would work and then stop working, alternate application techniques, etc. please let me know. I've tried different strengths and vehicles of tret (and now taz), I've tried short contact therapy, nothing seems to do it. The only thing that's ever made a difference are these stupid ferments but their effects seem to have a short lifespan.

Here's my current nighttime routine:

  • double cleanse with TO Squalane cleanser and Vanicream cleanser
  • Benton Fermentation Essence
  • Peach Slices Snail Mucin Toner
  • BABOR Moisture Glow Serum
  • Numbuzin No 3 Serum (I just ran out of this but had been using it until last week)
  • MISSHA Time Revolution Night Repair Ampoule 5x
  • Hada Labo Gokujyun Premium Lotion
  • Tazret .05% gel (every three nights)
  • Vanicream Moisturizing Cream

AM routine is just the Hado Labo and sunscreen (St Jane Beauty SPF 30).

I've tried leaving out each of these products, I've tried applying tret on bare skin and everything else after, doesn't make a difference. At this point I'm using these products just to use them up, they don't seem to be having any positive or negative effects.

If anyone makes it to the end of this saga and has anything to suggest, I'll be eternally grateful ❤️ I've scoured the skincare subs for similar experiences but while others seem to have the same kind of volume loss I do, I haven't seen anyone report being able to fix or reverse it, which makes me a bit panicky. Especially if anyone has any thoughts about the ferments thing and why they worked and then stopped working I'd love to know because it's baffling to me.

Finally finished The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett (⭐⭐). Didn't really do anything for me and definitely didn't live up to The Appeal. In The Appeal all the characters had distinctive voices and personalities that shone through despite the limitations of the epistolary format. In the Alperton Angels the characters were all one-note, their backstories weren't well fleshed out, and the whole thing just felt flat.

Annie Bot by Sierra Greer (⭐⭐⭐⭐): Totally lived up to the hype for me! I loved that it was much more of an observational character study and reflection on relationships, intimacy, and womanhood than it was about the evils or ethics of AI tech.

Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier (⭐⭐⭐.5): A perfectly enjoyable read until it went fully off the rails in the last quarter. But, it was compellingly written and extremely well paced and I read the whole thing in one sitting, so can't complain.

Currently reading Hausfrau by Jill Alexander Essbaum and it's hitting wayyy too close to home as someone who grew up in Switzerland, but the way the author captures experiences of loneliness, self-sabotage, and depression is remarkably well done.

I feel like she's mentioned having a needle phobia before? Maybe that's why the no tattoos 

Using up an abundance of lentils in my pantry this week:

Lentil cakes (never made these before but I'm intrigued!)

Lentil and Potato Salad (made this a billion times before and it slaps. I usually replace the potatoes with crumbled sausage and blue cheese to make it a bit lighter and more flavorful. It's also great for work lunches because it's just as good cold.)

Leave it to Meg to turn her kids arguing with each other into the most super special manic pixie dream family thing to ever happen

Reporting from the depths of Netflix's trash reality offerings: The Ultimatum South Africa is a BANGER, featuring both one of the most delightful mature even-keeled people I've ever seen on TV as well as one of the most unhinged and narcissistic. 10/10 can't wait for the reunion!!

Baby Back Bitch

Okay while I am upset about the state of the world today (seeing met gala coverage alongside Israel's invasion of rafah is deeply dystopian) and thus inclined to agree with his post, I just wanna remind some people here that museums....are charities? I also don't like the fact that the existence of institutions such as the Costume Institute is contingent on the largesse of a handful of rich elites, but it doesn't change the fact that this gala IS for charity.

Ohhh that looks perfect for lunch this week!

Ooh what an interesting recipe! Thanks!!

I retract my comment in last week's thread about the current season of The Circle on Netflix! The most recent four-episode drop was PEAK reality television. I'm actually sad the finale is this week - it felt like the game was just beginning to get started.

oop I just left my own comment about Anita de Monte Laughs Last! Totally agree with your take.

I actually read a lot last week!

The Fox Wife by Yangsze Choo (4/5 stars) - beautifully written and I loved learning about Chinese mythology and folklore. My only issue is that the ending felt abrupt and rushed, and the various plot threads tied up a bit too neatly. The central mystery which drove most of the plot also got wrapped up in like one sentence which I found unsatisfying - without the detective-chasing-a-murderer framing device I think it would have been a much tighter, 5/5 read.

Piglet by Lottie Hazell (3/5 stars) - didn't really get the hype on this one. I feel like I've read variations on its central themes (UK class dynamics, female beauty standards, how society encourages women to make themselves smaller, etc.) a million times before and this didn't stand out to me as a memorable take on any of those themes.

Anita de Monte Laughs Last by Xochitl Gonzalez (3/5 stars) - I can understand why this one was controversial, especially with Ana Mendieta's family. It's a VERY lightly fictionalized retelling of the relationship between artists Carl Andre and Ana Mendieta and Andre's alleged responsibility for her murder. However Ana Mendieta's name doesn't appear ANYWHERE in the book, not even the acknowledgements - presumably for legal reasons, but it still makes it come across as exploitative of her life and memory, which is exactly what the book is trying to critique. I did like the sections of the book from the POV of the second protagonist, a Latina art history student at Brown in the 90s who discovers and writes her thesis on Mendieta's influence on Andre's work. Those sections I felt to be well-written and well-observed - as someone art-world adjacent I sometimes cringe at how its dynamics and elitism are portrayed in fiction, but I found this to be a less egregious example than most. EDIT: I learned from a comment below that those sections were based on the author's life, which explains a lot....

Also DNFed a bunch of things (The Hunter by Tana French (soooo boooooring), Ordinary Human Failings by Megan Nolan (not really the book's fault, was just not in the mood for true crime fare), and some other books I'm not even remembering at the moment). Currently reading The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels by Janice Hallett. It took me a long time to get into the other book of hers I've read, The Appeal, but I ultimately enjoyed it, and I can tell that that will be the case with this one as well.

I apparently had a momentary lapse in consciousness while grocery shopping and accidentally purchased quadruple the amount of basil I intended to sooo this week I will be eating pesto on EVERYTHING. Pasta! Rice bowls! Salmon! Avocado toast!

Does anyone have (cute) hiking clothes to recommend? I was instagram-influenced into buying a couple Hikerkind items but they fit SO badly and are SO unflattering that I truly question whether the designers had ever even seen a human woman's body before. But I do love the style of their clothes in general if anyone has similar-ish things they like.

My first dissertation chapter is due in a couple weeks and I'm teaching a course this term that requires a TON of prep 😭 a recipe for burnout! Really looking forward to the end of the semester

I'm currently in a very intense stage of my PhD so this week is all about easy but satisfying meals:

Ground Beef and Rice Bowls (always, always topped with a fried egg)

Pasta with Ricotta and Lemon (adding some peas for veg)

Pasta with "raw sauce"