For anything and everything having to deal with skin!

r/SkincareAddiction3.3M subscribers108 active
NEW OR NEED HELP? Ask here! - ScA Daily Help Thread Jun 03, 2024Routine Help

If you're new to SkincareAddiction: welcome!

This thread is the best place to start if you have questions about skincare products, your routine, and your skin. Our community is knowledgeable, and we want to help you have the best skin of your life!

Do you have a question?
Step 1: Read our resources

Be sure to check out our FAQ and Wiki! There are a lot of topics covered in those links, but some of the most popular guides include:




Or search the sub using this awesome website. You might find a solution to your problem there!

If you can't find an answer, or you have additional questions after reading, please move on to step 2!


Step 2: Ask for help

To give you the best advice possible, our users need relevant information about your skin and skincare. With your request for help please include:


  • The issue(s) you need help with. It's helpful to put your questions at the top of your comment (especially if it's a long one)!

  • Skin type. It's OK to be subjective, how do you feel your skin is? Oily, dry? If you need help clarifying, check out this guide on skin types

  • Current routine with the full names of your products (try to separate it in to Morning, Evening, and Occasionally used)

  • How long you have been using your current routine, or product in question

  • Anything new you’ve introduced or started doing that might change the condition of your skin

  • Your location so we can recommend products/services available to you


Thanks for taking the time to include your information!


Would you like to give advice?

Firstly, thank you so much for helping out our community - without your knowledge and time ScA would not be the same!

Some things we'd ask for you to keep in mind: please don't just downvote someone's opinion or response because you disagree.

If you can, please take the time to tell them why you think their advice may be incorrect or harmful. It's better for people to understand why something is a poor choice, instead of just being told that it is one!

Once a year, we have a big thank you post for everyone who has helped out in the DHT where we give out nifty flairs & gold to exceptionally informative and kind users. Check out our list of ScA Helpers and our most recent thank you post!

Whether it be in-depth responses that deserve to be their own guides, thoughtful product recommendations, or simply pointing someone in the right direction, we appreciate all the time and effort you've made to help others!

This thread is posted every day at 12:00am ET.

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[Review] Rants, Raves, & New Purchases Jun 02, 2024Review

Hate it? Love it? Just bought it and excited to try it?

Tell us about it here!


The Rants, Raves & New Purchases thread is posted every Sunday at 12 am Eastern Time

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[Misc] What are so skincare “mistakes” that you dont thing are that badMiscellaneous

Personally i think popping your pimple (IF DONE RIGHT) is actually not bad and personally it makes my acne go away faster since the ingredients and patches can do their jobs better if they have a opening

[misc] Aesthetician sold me a bunch of products for a new routine but didn’t include anything with SPF. Miscellaneous

Is this weird? I went to her for a facial and she was fantastic. She recommended several products to target my concerns and I was caught off guard and felt like I needed to get them. So I spent an absolute shitload of money on them. The next day I realized none of the bottles said anything about SPF so I asked her, and she said I could come in and purchase another product that has it. 😐

[Product question] Starting my Korean skincare journey with Anua - thoughts on these products?Product Question
Starting my Korean skincare journey with AnuaSKIN

Hi, I recently purchased the five step Anua skincare set. It contains the pore cleansing oil, pore cleansing foam, 77% soothing toner, 70% heartleaf daily lotion, and the 70% peach niacin serum. I have combo skin (oily t zone and dry cheeks). I am currently breaking out on my t zone..

What are your thoughts and experiences with these products?

[Acne] Biotin caused an insane breakout on my whole face and bodyAcne

Right after I accomplished my perfect skin using tretinoin and clyndamycin, I decides to start taking zinc and biotin supplements well now when my skin is literally terrible, big cystic pimples on my entire face I saw multiple videos on TikTok saying that biotin causes acne. So how long would it take to go away after I stopped the biotin?

[acne] at a loss as to what to do nextAcne

I’m so sick of dealing with this, so any help and advice are very much appreciated!!

As a teenager, I often struggled with minor breakouts, but as a young adult, I developed severe acne almost overnight. It covers my most of my face and, at its worst, consists of extreme redness, cysts, whiteheads, and an overall rough texture.

I’ve tried drinking more water and green tea, and cutting various foods from my diet for months, such as dairy, gluten, and added sugars. I generally have a pretty clean diet but none of that seemed to help. Although, Red, Blue, and Yellow LED light treatment seems to help a bit.

I would like to get better sleep but I often work nights and take classes so there’s not much I can currently do about it. My doctor has also given me a few supplements to help with inflammation and adrenal support, and probiotics but that also didn’t change anything. I am now around four weeks into trying Yaz to help.

It seems that every time I try a new skincare product, on the first day I feel either skin tightness, mild itchiness, or irritation. By day two, I have a major increase in painful cysts and whiteheads all over. If I continue it just keeps getting worse and I also develop dry patches. This includes products specifically for sensitive skin or hydration, even aloe vera.

Here are some products I’ve had adverse reactions to:

  • Tower 28 Toner Spray
  • Tower 28 Serum
  • Skinscript Charcoal Mask
  • Skinscript Raspberry Clarifying Cleanser
  • Skinscript Ageless Serum
  • Skinscript Cucumber Hydration Toner
  • Anua Moisture Cleansing Foam
  • Etude SoonJung Whip Cleanser
  • Cosrx Birch Sap Lotion
  • Isntree Hyaluronic Acid Moist Cream
  • Aestura Alto Barrier 365 Cream

Here are the few products that actually help keep it down a bit:

  • CeraVe/Panoxyl 10% Benzoyl Peroxide Foaming Wash
  • CeraVe Moisturizing Cream
  • Derma E Sulfur Spot Treatment
  • Derma E Acne Treatment Serum
  • Skinscript Strawberry Spearmint Mask
  • Skinscript Rejuvenating Serum (helped for a bit but stopped making a difference)
  • IsClinical Active Serum (seemed to help A LOT but got too expensive)

The strange thing is that as long I keep my makeup clean, I notice my skin might even improve while frequently wearing makeup. But I deal with undeniable painful reactions to skincare-specific products almost immediately. I’m very frustrated because I can’t identify what kind of product my skin will hate, so I just don’t know what to do. One positive thing about my skin i that while it’s been over a year of this, I don’t seem to be developing any scarring. Any help is EXTREMELY Appreciated!

[Routine Help] What order to layer products in?Routine Help

Routine help please!

I’m having trouble figuring the order of my skincare routine at night and whether to apply certain products on a damp or dry face.

Tentative routine is:

Andalou naturals toner Snail mucin while face is damp from toner Art naturals glycolic acid? Art naturals hyaluronic acid? LRP cicaplast balm Vaseline if I’m slugging that night

Not sure whether to apply glycolic acid or hyaluronic acid first? I would think I apply the active first but some people say not to apply glycolic acid on damp skin. But hyaluronic should be on damp skin, same with snail mucin, which should be before the serums. Also, honestly, I’m kinda lazy to sit there waiting between products for my skin to dry, so I prefer products that work best on damp skin so I can layer them one after the other. Idk quite how to make that work.

Do I apply the glycolic acid on dry skin before anything else and then go in with the rest? Even the toner and mucin? Or is there some other way I should go about doing this?

Skin issues I’m trying to target are: a bunch of closed comedones and skin texture, pores/sebaceous filaments, uneven pigmentation/skin tone, and general hydration

Also, I’ve heard tret or retinol is good for CCs, but how do I know if I should use one of those or just stick to an exfoliating acid?

Any help would be super appreciated; I’m a noob and,,, figuring this stuff out can be a bit confusing/overwhelming so thank you in advance!

[Product Question] Aquaphor As A Drawing Salve Product Question

I swear it works whenever i have one of those pimples that are jussttttt about to pop i put a thick layer of aquaphor over them and in the morning they've popped themselves and they're gone and don't scar with minimal damage. Does anybody else know about this??

Sunscreen help [sun care]Sun Care

I go camping every summer so I definitely need good protection and I’ve been trying to find the perfect sunscreen but I just haven’t run into the right one yet. I’m super oily and I’m prone to getting hives from dyes and fragrance. Any suggestions are super helpful, thank you!!!

[product question] can I use differin with salicylic acid or la Roche posay effaclar ultra concentrated serum? Product Question

I’ve been on Differin and acne antibiotics for almost 3 weeks. My dermatologist advised me to keep using the salicylic acid I use (Caudalie vinopure salicylic acid). My questions are: can I use the salicylic acid the same day I use differin (salicylic in the morning, differin at night) or not on the same day?

And: can I use La Roche Posay Effaclar Ultra Concentrated Serum the other days I don’t use differin at night? I’m currently using differin 3x per week. I’ve used this serum before and it did wonders for my skin.

[Routine Help]Routine Help

Morning- -La Roche Posay Toleriane Purifying Facial Cleanser with Niacinamide -Cosrx snail mucin 96 essence -La Roche Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face moisturizer with Ceramide and Niacinamide -Drmtlgy broad spectrum spf 46

Night- -La Roche Posay Toleriane Purifying Facial Cleanser with Niacinamide -Cosrx snail mucin 96 essence -La Roche Posay Toleriane Double Repair Face moisturizer with Ceramide and Niacinamide -Drmtlgy retinol .5% -Reapply moisturizer

What do y’all think? This is my updated routine, I recently changed a skin care routine I have had for years, it worked well but I just felt like I could find better.

[Misc] Can’t miss products in Scandinavia? Deo in particular, then moisturizer, then open minded!Miscellaneous

will be in oslo and copenhagen. definitely will reup on deodorant so looking for recs, but anything else? i grabbed sunscreen the other day in another city in norway and it is AMAZING - non greasy and perfect. thanks in advance!

[Acne] How to Differentiate Fungal Acne VS Milia?Acne
How to Differentiate Fungal Acne VS Milia?Other

Hello Reddit,

If you’ve been dealing with small bumps on your skin, you might be wondering whether you have fungal acne, or milia? Though they can look similar, these two conditions are quite different and require different treatment approaches. 

What is Fungal Acne?

Fungal acne, or Malassezia folliculitis, is caused by an overgrowth of yeast on the skin. It typically appears as small, itchy, uniform bumps that are often clustered together. These bumps can be red or skin-colored and are usually found on the chest, back, and forehead.

What is Milia?

Milia are small, white or yellowish cysts that appear when keratin (a protein in the skin) gets trapped under the skin’s surface. They are often found around the eyes, cheeks, and nose. Unlike fungal acne, milia are not itchy or inflamed.

Key Differences:

  • Appearance: Fungal acne presents as itchy, uniform red or skin-colored bumps, often in clusters. Milia are small, white or yellowish cysts that are not itchy or inflamed.
  • Cause: Fungal acne is caused by an overgrowth of yeast, while milia are caused by trapped keratin.
  • Location: Fungal acne is commonly found on the chest, back, and forehead, whereas milia are usually found around the eyes, cheeks, and nose.
  • Symptoms: Fungal acne is often itchy and inflamed, while milia are painless and not itchy.

How to Treat Fungal Acne:

  1. Gentle Cleansing: Use a gentle, fungal acne-safe cleanser to remove impurities without feeding the yeast. Look for ingredients like zinc pyrithione or ketoconazole.
  2. Antifungal Treatments: Apply topical antifungal treatments containing ketoconazole, clotrimazole, or tea tree oil to reduce yeast growth.
  3. Hydration: Use fatty acids-free ingredients that will soothe your skin and provide hydration. Opt for a lightweight moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated without clogging pores.
  4. Sun Protection: Use a broad-spectrum, oil-free sunscreen to protect your skin from UV damage.

How to Treat Milia:

  1. Gentle Cleansing: Use a mild cleanser to keep your skin clean without irritating it.
  2. Exfoliation: Incorporate gentle exfoliants like AHAs (glycolic acid) or BHAs (salicylic acid) to help remove dead skin cells and prevent keratin buildup.
  3. Retinoids: Use topical retinoids to promote cell turnover and prevent new milia from forming. Consult with a dermatologist before starting retinoids.
  4. Professional Removal: If you have persistent milia, consider seeing a dermatologist for professional extraction. Never try to pop milia at home, as this can lead to scarring and infection.

While fungal acne and milia may look similar, understanding the differences is key to effective treatment. 


Have you dealt with fungal acne or milia? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!