I’m crying laughing at the lynel getting pummeled as it kneels on the ground


Kiznaiver, freaking loved that show. I love studio trigger in general and they have short anime usually. Another one I liked was “when supernatural battles became commonplace” and “ssss.gridman”. By short I’m assuming in the 10-15 episode range.

I was gonna say take a red pen and fix every grammatical and spelling error, then don’t sign it. I like yours though 😂

Because they literally dated for like a minute and she got pregnant, everything in this post is like a few weeks old. I would want someone to tell me but, ok I guess I won’t insert myself.

Given the fact herpes can cause damage to newborns I thought it was pretty reasonable to want to inform someone.

When they were still friends with my friend they told them about the herpes. Than my friend asked if the partner knew and they said no they’re not gonna tell her. Honestly they’re kinda on off friends so they’ve talked recently, but that was the point of contention that made him question their friendship.

Because when they were still friends with my friend they said they were never gonna tell her.

Fairy Tail has some of the best music, I listen to it constantly.

You’ve never had a hobby besides Reddit apparently. People can be proud of things.

You should try breath of the wild first, since it’s the same map and totk is the sequel game. If you don’t care about the story though it won’t matter I guess

You might wanna consider the possibility of throwing him an ultimatum. 99% of the time ultimatum are unhealthy, but it’s therapy or you’re done. He knows he’s gonna be torn apart by a counselor. He’s pushing his boundaries and seeing how much you’re gonna lay down and take it.

Nah by all means condescend. He’s being unreasonable to the point of ridicule. You said you feel marriage is about compromise but he’s not willing to compromise one iota. No means no, he can have a tantrum and get tf over it. You carried this baby, they already get his last name. Why is he being like this? Was he like this when you got together? Nobody reasonable acts like this with the mom of their child.

This is such a beautiful show that I really think you should just wait until you have time. Also maybe one episode a day? It’s 20 min unless it’s a 2 parter. Tell your friend you wanna be able to enjoy it. Reading summaries is like 1/1 billionth the amount of enjoyment.

If it is they need to lower their temp stat since they said they raised it to 83 😬

There’s also the Sacramento Aquarium Society, I don’t know a lot about what they do but I know they care about fish.

You should contact these people:


It says if they can’t get to you (they pick up fish) they’ll refer you to someone who can!

Dog won’t stop barking at thunder and fireworksAdvice Needed

I’ve seen this question asked in a couple places but nothing works… every thunder, every firework, she barks like the house is under siege. As you can imagine this is only a major problem at night.

I adopted my dog years before I entered a relationship, so I’m pretty stern about the things I want for her. But my partner wants to try putting her in our dark basement by herself to calm her anxiety because we were up late last night until the storm stopped. She already has separation anxiety and I’m pretty sure putting her by herself will make it worse. We sleep on the top floor of our house (there’s a top, main, and basement) and we’ve read that the top floor is the worse place for dogs with thunder anxiety.

Things I’ve tried: Positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats after every boom A thunder shirt Calming music Calming treats/essential oils Just ignoring it

One thing I noticed maybe kinda made it better was the other night, when we had another storm, she only barked a couple of times at the first big ones then just growled a bit. That night she was absolutely exhausted, she’d played fetch and swam for hours that day. Last night she barely had any exercise as it was raining all day. The thunder last night was also worse though so I really don’t know if that made a difference or not.

I wanted to make sure I included details so sorry about the length. I guess I just wanna know what people have tried and if what my partner is suggesting could work or is it cruel?

Idk what it is but I’m laughing at the fact every reply rn is a different answer 😭

He may have been eating something? I’ve seen my snails kinda fold their foot around a wafer before. You probably didn’t just drop a wafer in but he may have found something edible lol

I like to put on region specific armor when I’m in that region to blend in with the locals lol. so like Zora Armor in Zora’s Domain or Voe armor in the Gerudo desert. Otherwise I like the basic Link look of the champions leathers. I also really like the elemental armor sets you can find that kinda light up and give you more power when you’re in it’s specific element (I think there’s frost, fire, and thunder), but it doesn’t protect you from that element so it’s not practical most of the time.

I’m the very definition of a pushover and a people pleaser but goddamn if they asked me 3 times and gave me that only a dollar shit I probably would have told them to fuck off tbh. I know their manager is probably up their ass to get donations but I already said NO.

Somebody else mentioned that they like exploring, which I’ve noticed too. So that’s another problem if people want their snails to be stimulated in their environment.