yep. i’ll generally have a migraine hangover for a day or two after

From another autistic, the police do not have a good track record when dealing with autistic people. So a job not directly linked to the police will probably be safer and more accommodating.

Do symptoms get getter over time?Questions

The genestist that diagnosed me said that this will be the worst my symptoms get and that they’ll be better with age. For reference i’m 20 and my health has been on a fairly steady decline for the past 2 years. Is this an actual thing? I’m skeptical about it and i’ve found nothing really supporting it but i’d thought it’d get y’all opinions about it.


the big squishy foam slides. i have a 10$ walmart brand pair and they work great. they’re super comfortable and easy on and off

AtLA the bowling rock episodes are my go to

I got my diagnosis!!!Success!

I now officially diagnosed with hEDS. I also got referrals to a pain clinic and dysautonomia specialist and my first pain management appointment is in two weeks.

i’m in the bible belt and my cousins still wear them and their in high school

therapy and anxiety meds are probably your best long term bet. short term if you suck on an ice cube or sour candy it can shock your system out of a panic attack.

Bendy Boi

i know the feeling my ankles do it to. what way are you moving the ankle when it makes the noise? mine only do it when i point my toes

Bendy Boi

how are you clicking it, what movement are you using? about the stimming aspect i’d suggest working on switching the stim. in the past i’ve done it by finding a stim with the same or similar feel and consciously switching from the bad stim. i know it’s not the same for everyone but it’s how i deal with my harmful stims

Ex-Homeschool Student

YAY!!! i’m so proud of you

Moderate Support Needs

i’m going next month for the exact same reason, connective tissue disorder/cronic pain

you can still bond with them. i suggest starting with target training, it gives them time to get used to your hands and it is very helpful if you need to get them back in the cage

they are amazing and one of my favorite foods

do you have an anxiety med to take if you have a panic attack? if so you may want to take when you have the physical symptoms to. it’s always helped my physical symptoms to chill out

in half of these pictures he looks fluffed up. but he looks happy so good job on the new cage.

sending a hug. that’s terrible. i hope you find a better practice

my have ergonomic grips so they don’t mess with my wrists