Is this a rhetorical question

For me personally it doesn’t get any better than 10/31/96

Born and raised and have suffered these Lost Cause mouthbreathing dipshits my entire life.

Im a 25 year light manufacturing biz owner with an MBA and you might want to tone down the condescension.

Greed is playing a huge part in this. Believe me.

Still there. There’s about 20 of us holding down the fort.

They control the prices right? If we want prices to come down then let them sit on some inventory for a couple quarters.

What we’re seeing is not the ramifications of monetary policy, it’s costs exacerbated by Covid level prices that were caused by supply chain constraints that have yet to of come down even though those constraints no longer exist.

It’s greed. Plain and simple. And as long as we continue to pay the prices, there is no reason for them to bring them down.

Actually lack of antitrust enforcement is killing us. 10 corporations control the entire world’s food supply. 4 control the entire retail sector.

There is an entire series of Lindsey Graham kompromat. I can’t even imagine the dirt they have on him.

1979 is criminally underrated 12/1/79 is deep in the pocket

So basically he’s saying just lay back and take it?

Was there last July. I counted over 200 people hiking up as we were hiking out. It’s a zoo.

I’ve been saying “we’re the inflation” for 3 years. Stop buying shit!!

I say we push them to the breaking point

We’ve been exposed. There is no rule of law. Our entire foundation is built on sand.

How is this not all over the news?