Supreme Court had no one outside of it last night. If there needs to be a call for action allow this to be it. If our leaders have no spine allow us to stand up. If our president elect is all words and dreams allow us to be physical and real. We as a generation and country cannot stand by while this happens. We must all put our personal lives aside, yes I mean work, yes I mean relationship problems, yes outside of deathly illnesses I mean health. We much stand up now or forever be put down. Not for one issue but for all. Not for one party but for all. This isn’t a call for democrats it is a call for everyone. Wake up and march before it’s illegal to do so.

Edit. This is not a call for others to lead or be first. This is not a call to die if you are on medication. This is a call to join me if you don’t have children or a 10k a month medication. And unfortunately the majority of you have refused. Make no mistake, apathy is the death of democracy and here is your proof. I’m being accused of trying to be mlk? How DARE I try to motivate a movement. How dare I. This country deserves what it gets at this point. “Ooooooo my health insurance.” What about your fucking freedom?