We had gangs since the 80s , there’s infamous neighborhood if you grew up in the 90/2000s , certain section 8 housing complex were known traphouses.

Certain parts of Liliha, palolo, kalihi , Waianae still have hoodrats monitoring the hood

The bloods the crips had a thing in Hawaii and still do

Some ms13 and Sinaloa are here too

Yupppppppp, you create a situation under your control . Making harder to unite and protest , make it illegal to stay in the same place all the time , which happens to something that occurs during a protest

Yup , when there is ONLY for profit press and media, what and HOW information is presented will always be at the interest of the owners and bourgeoisie

I don’t believe you, pic or it didn’t happen

Anyways, Nta

You wear what you want, as it fits the setting

It’s so hard to find communities within the built in system within a game that isn’t a mmorpg . Custom servers, and global chat servers (that shit no longer exists) were the only way to connect with players outside the round/series of matches.

I miss my surf / bhop servers that has the regulars , and it want just edgy teenagers , even back then, teenagers acted somewhat more mature because the server self regulated that stuff

Ding ding ding ding . The mom didn’t explain how she could do all the “fun “ thing and be there because she didn’t have the heavy expense that was explicitly HIDDEN from the kids , paid by the dad . The house was paid and maintained by a figure they didn’t see , they didn’t know , only growing up hearing how bad their dad was

If you grew up kinda poor with a dad that does a lot of fixmeups/work with their hands , gasoline was always around to be used as a clean up solvent


You could look up John Oliver voting episode first because your statement is just a reflection of your poor understanding of many many many things of what it means to even have access to a job .

No address, no Id , no social security card, etc make it very hard to even apply for a job

And that’s just ONE ISSUE of the many many barriers like mental issues, drug issue , etc .

That’s why you aren’t a social worker nor prob an empathic person I would like to befriend

Ugly humans everywhere /u/UrgentSiesta

We lived in a time (web 1.0 and 1.5) where the internet was new to EVERYONE. The entire human population didn’t know . So everyone was literally doing the same thing : learning how to comb the internet, and if you were a millennial (esp the younger 90s babies and maybe had cousin /older sibling) , fews thing has to happen,you had to be born lucky to have a few markers cleared : born to a family that fortunate to even have a pc , internet, etc, aka some money in the family . have a decent upbringing to nurture a curious mind aka decent family. Have experience counterculture to an extent , through person or society.

In combination of those , as a kid/teenage access to internet AND has no money. Piracy flourished and THAT CULTURE continues to exist in me and many others ., so there’s a subset of millennials who grew up as the family tech support , continue to pirate games/movies as long we live, in charge of buying tech for the family because you can’t stand buying trash (so the check for reviews for everything you buy is second nature to us, boomers and genz do not have that shit down) , etc

Absolutely fascinating to contemplate culture and society sometimes

It’s the interaction with technology that’s different

We grew up with literal “personal computers” and the buggiest shit ever , win98 , win me , windows xp, service pack 3 (blessssss)

Anyone born after 1996 grew up with touchscreens

Most youngin dont understand the operating systems that require a mouse and keyboard .

What is system 32 ? What is “reset network adapter” what is dhcp , dns . What is a server vs a client ? How do I get to temp file folder /temp files ? What are cookies ? How do I connect my hard drive to computer sata cable ? How to I add a network drive ? What’s appdata? How do I reset my computer ? What’s an ISO , how do I mount a cd ? How do I change game setting adjusting ini file ? What’s HOST file ? What’s a keygen , Cracked exe ? Update latest drivers ? What’s a BIOS, how do I get there ?

A big part of growing up with a pc was LITERALLY TINKERING the setting and options even if we didn’t know what they were . So many time I got virus and malware and had to learn hope to resolve it or you get beating for breaking the computer

Antivirus was such a big thing

The dude has a McDonald morning coffee ritual for the last 30 years, the neighborhood isn’t rich

Yup , the daughter and by extension the parents needs some works and consulting . Why the kids be rambunctious, and has a fake Id?

This pregnancy and situation is a symptoms of family issues

There’s a retirement tracker with fidelity, planning for retirement in the US, to be on track

By 30 , it’s estimated you should have 100-150k in savings/investment

40, 350-450k

So , how’s everyone doing

Because trump didn’t have the experience, tools, personnel, connections at the beginning of his presidency

Did ya forget hundreds of people left the administration ?

It WILL be more efficient , deadlier, explicit when you start the racing warmed up, surrounded with people, doing a 2 second mario kart start , etc

Project 2025 is actually attainable

He will start with a full team

lol , they actually deleted it . Contents policy is so wishywashy, they remove anything that’s too spicy .

Ahhh , that’s the disconnect. PR for republicans is a cake walk . That’s actually a major issue for the DNC/democrats. Republicans don’t have to egg walk for their intentions. The intentions are clear and been quite clear, hence the popularity. Republicans have better PR and arguably the the best PR of a political part in the western hemisphere

It’s the democrats who have a dogshit ability to one connect with their constituents. They don’t know how to voice their winnings , like they are afraid of showing winners to the voters .

For all the stupid and illogical shit in the RNC, they have better spokesman, charisma, and appeal to their base

That doesn’t help because they pass a single bill with random shit in it anyways .

They can continue to write ambiguous laws , all it does is allow it to be challenged if someone doesn’t like how the government agency interpret them . Congrats you just allowed a slippery slope to challenge all ambiguity. This create huge problems because not every situation is the same and there’s ALWAYS exceptions/odditiies to the rule. You just create a judicial clusterfuck that allows multibillion dollar entities to stall rulings and stall the court system

Congrats , all the hours will be billed to the taxpayer so now everyone will foot the bill for more adjudication and challenges to laws we believed was best interpreted by the agency ran by Experts

Why have expert dictates what’s best when a judge who may not be an expert on the ruling says otherwise , esp when it comes to pollution, farming practices, clean water , etc

Imagine if lead or abestos is allowed into products because some idiot judge thinks the risks aren’t there , not big enough to overcome the interest of a billion dollar company who says it safe but experts says no it’s not

The education system Israel encourages and ACTIVELY call for the proliferation of Zionism

Like teachers , books, paragraphs written and read in schools often calls upon the destruction of Arabs , like I thought it was a joke but it actually part of the curriculum .

Genki is dogshit for sushi for the last 10 years

It’s cost just as much as a sit down sushi restaurant

If I’m paying 40-60 for sushi lunch why genki

Same thing for burgers , if it cost me 10-15 for burgers at McDonald’s why not go to an actually burger joint ?

Parasite is a everyday life thing for animals

Pull it out, or cook them off

People grew up weak and no longer surrounded by nature

Even the usda has a max bug per canned goods

Everyone has eaten bug eggs , legs, carcasses in nearly all experience of canned good

A piece of hair in soup ? Just take it out

you have 5-10k and a month to gut your room to isolate?

If not, headphones

That’s exactly it, all comments were getting moderated, they were given a heads up by the investors