I’ve felt similar in the past. For me, it took forgetting about the weight loss goals and just accepting myself as I was, fat and all. I didn’t even attempt to work on myself until I liked who I was. Then, when the time came to actually focus on my health (mental and physical), it was easier to stick to it because I didn’t worry so much about things that don’t matter, like whether or not I looked attractive at every waking moment.

Yes you’re so right! I hope everything goes well!

I think sometimes people with restrictive eating disorders think that’s the only type of eating disorder. Or they forget or don’t understand binge eating disorder.

I think it’s hard for people in general to imagine anybody’s experience being different from theirs. Maybe for them, calorie counting is always disordered. You can count calories without being obsessed with your food. You can count calories for want to be healthier instead of just skinnier. But they can’t. They take it too far, so they assume everyone else does too because, in their experience, calorie counting always leads to bad outcomes.

I used to be scared to calorie count too because of people who said those things. But since I started, I started eating healthier, and I feel better than I ever did. And if I go over my calories for the day, it doesn’t bother me. If the scale doesn’t move, it doesn’t bother me. That’s what I think the big thing is. Will you further restrict if the scale doesn’t move as fast as you want it to?

Have you tried clicking on the subscription?

And they’re the same people that will tell you that you shouldn’t have had kids if you couldn’t take care of them if you lose your job

Something I’ve noticed about people who aren’t smart is that they never realize that everybody else around them is smarter than them. So they don’t see “smart rational people” making the decision to vaccinate their kids. They just see people making the decision to vaccinate their kids.

And because they’re not smart, they don’t actually understand how vaccines work. So they don’t see the benefit of them. Also, vaccines have been around long enough for diseases that we vaccinate for to be rare, so it’s easy to see them as not a threat. When you’re told that you need to put a foreign substance in your child’s body to protect them from something that you don’t think will harm them, you might be reluctant to participate.

Another reason is that they’re undereducated on the whole. They don’t know chemistry, they don’t know science, and they don’t trust things they don’t understand. And because they don’t see smart people as smart, they think their own judgement is just as valid as a smart and educated person’s. That’s why they tell you to do “research.”

Don’t cut out unhealthy food. Instead, add in healthy food.

Personally, I knew I needed to start eating more fruit, so I started eating an apple in the morning. If my stomach has some apple in it, it won’t be as hungry for other things.

Keep in mind this is a slow process. Don’t try to adjust your diet all at once.

Why are you using ChatGPT? AI doesn’t actually know anything. It just copies speech patterns of humans. It’s probably not even accurate

A pound every day for a week averages to a pound a day over a week. Also, if I weigh myself and the scale shows a pound lower everyday and never goes back up, then I’m losing a pound a day. This isn’t rocket science

I only started this regimen last week. I weight myself at the same time everyday. Everyday, it’s been about a pound lower. I didn’t think it would make me lose this much either

That doctor was not just doing his job. I’m 5’2” and recently started trying to get into a deficit. I’m eating 1350-1500 calories and losing about a pound a day. (I know it’s not healthy. This was just something I tried based on my bmr, I’m still adjusting.)

I know that every body is different, but 1200 isn’t enough unless you’re a toddler. This doctor is going to cause Ed’s if he keeps on giving this type of advice. It’s medical neglect.

You can’t just diet and change your genetics. Your time and energy would probably be better spent accepting your body for what it is and learning to love it. There’s nothing wrong with love handles. I know that’s not what you want, but we don’t get to pick our bodies. You’re always going to have your body. Wouldn’t you rather spend your one life happy instead of constantly reaching for a goal that might not even be possible?

For me, I just decided to start making healthy choices, not necessarily lose weight. So I knew being active was healthy, so I started running and didn’t change anything about my diet. After I felt ready to change my diet, I just thought about things I wanted to eat more of, not eat less of. This way will not be fast, but I think it’s more sustainable, especially since you’ve struggled for a few years

Have you talked to your psychiatrist about this?

What I’ve done is come up with a few meals that I can have that I’ve counted the macros and calories for once and made a note of them and portion sizes in the notes app of my phone. I have a few, but I would like to build up to having two months worth of meals, so I don’t get bored. Then eventually when you make them so many times, you can kinda estimate the size of the portions, and since you’re in maintenance, it’s not a big deal if it’s a little over or under

I’m sorry your post was misinterpreted so much OP. A lot of people haven’t been kind. I’m also sorry that your mom isn’t being supportive. Unsupportive parents can hurt no matter what age you are.

You sound like you’re doing great. I would just focus on what you’re doing and your goals and not mention them to your mother in the future. Eventually, she’ll see you make progress, but it’ll be harder if she’s constantly talking down to you the whole time.

Look at it as nothing more than information about your body. If your body has high bp, then you know that your body has high bp. If your body has low bp, then you know that your body has low bp.

Worst case scenario, your body has high bp. Well, now you’ll have a doctor who knows a lot about bp and how to lower it. And they can give you tips specific to your needs.

There’s no reason to beat yourself up over how your body is now. Nothing will change over night, and it’s better you know if you have high bp than if you don’t know. Because then you can fix it if there’s a problem

Because women’s bodies will adjust their metabolism based on calories in, so if you’re in a deficit for long enough, your body with slow down your metabolism. So her rare health attribute is simply being a woman

I mean it sounds like he’s not supportive if he’s telling you not to worry about “all that stuff.” If you want to change your body, he should be supportive of it.

If you have premium, you can press “see insights,” and it’ll show you different categories you need to improve on

It’s not really the amount you should have. It’s the max you should have to reach your goals

No. Feeling the need to count the small amount of oil that comes out in 1 second is extreme. It’s at most 20 calories with is negligible in the grand scheme of things. It won’t help you lose weight, and it won’t make you gain weight.