Who gon check me, boo?

I don’t know…leather flares on an 8 year old with the word BABE across her torso screams high end to me

UGH the worst was having to shower with a hangover the next morning, the way the smoke smell filled the shower as soon as you got your hair wet. I had many a rough morning like in college before heading off to my waitressing job. Which has to be one of the top 5 worst jobs to do with a hangover.

Reading the whole thing I assumed sister was a a single mom. Where TF is the BIL with a sense of humor during this need for proper parenting?

MAYHEM. We actively screamed at the TV. It was a topic of conversation for weeks, then as soon as it died down it started up again when shows were getting ready to start again in the fall.

Not a Verified Medical Professional

Thanks for the response! I posted this over in a dermatology sub and someone suggested polymorphous photo eruption, which absolutely seems to match. The ED staff had ruled out a sun issue because “it was only on the sides of his legs,” which now sounds…quite wrong. And definitely not finger marks, we use spray sunscreen. Though I have to admit I went light on Friday b/c he was complaining that it burned all the little scrapes - maybe the reaction had already started.

I’m following up with the Ped on Monday about this. Thanks again for your input!

Who gon check me, boo?

Didn’t he always claim to be super private, yet here he is dating another public figure?

Agreed! It’s been a looong time since I’ve tried it but I remember it being shockingly bad

Who gon check me, boo?

The amount of times Lydia tried to get that phrase right is downright hilarious

I thought it was like a moss covered bench and actually shuddered thinking about sitting on it

I would absolutely change peds after this terrible advice!

Thank you for this! Seems highly likely, I’ll talk to the pediatrician about it on Monday. I appreciate your answer

Who gon check me, boo?

I’m so sorry for your loss!

What was George like?

The ELF melting balm is my absolute favorite and gets off all waterproof mascara. And as others have said just be careful with your technique

Can confirm we got bought the 2021 179BDK (very similar to this) brand new Feb ‘21 for $17k out the door

Omg thank you for this genuine laugh (and glad kiddo is ok!)

I had a silver one and it WAS bad ass