
Just spent a week camping by the beach, this rash popped up about 7ish last night and general consensus was get it checked out ASAP so off we went to the ED. None of the staff (triage nurse, NP, or DR) had any idea what it was.

While we are in NE so ticks are always a concern, the beach campground keeps their grass really short and we’re pretty good with daily tick scans. Very thorough check in the ED didn’t show any obvious bites or rings.

Dr. said it doesn’t present like typical Lyme, though it doesn’t blanch, which points to Lyme. Not typical Rocky Mountain fever as it’s not on his hands or soles. It’s just down the sides of both legs, and strangely stops at his shorts line, so only on parts exposed to the sun. And we’d been using the same sunscreen all week so not likely an allergic reaction to that. I will add that the bugs (mostly noseeums) were BAD all week and I actually had a pretty severe allergic reaction but kiddo only had a few bites and none are swollen/infected.

No fever or any other symptoms so we are treating as if it is Lyme, prednisone and doxycycline, in hopes that they take care of whatever it is.

And a weird note: you can see bandaid marks on the left leg. Those band aids were on Sun-Tues and the rash appeared on Friday, but isn’t on the skin that previously had the bandaids. All the other scraps are just typical kid stuff.

So basically just wondering if a derm with more extensive knowledge about rashes might have any ideas to consider. Thank you!