I mean, I'm fully open to being surprised when I play with them eventually

Ide argue that they are overall lesser detachments, but I havnt fucked with them all yet

He didn't say that chill the fuck out?

He much "water" do you need to have water? Cause if you have more than one fucking molecule of water, then it's touching water and is wet.

Edit, one water molecule is about 0.3 nanometers so sure, if you can show me an amount of water that is literally one molecule I will concede that it is dry water, but that is basically impossible to obtain if not literally impossible. (And normally operates as a gas even when separated into molecules) So therefore, water is wet jackass.

Your job as GSC player is to control the board not kill shit. Infiltraters/ sticky objectives then just park your army infront of theirs to restrict movement.

You're not there to kill things, you're there to be in the way

People that say water isn't wet are fucking stupid

They don't have much interaction because the show doesn't give a fuck about its characters anymore lmao.

They are to busy showing us what single note the characters have for the 25th time and calling white conservatives bad to worry about character development.

I could be wrong but honestly ide go brood brothers and bring punishers/basalisks

Dudes out here trying to kill stuff with the new dex. That's your problem. Your job is to sticky on objective then stand in the way. When you inevitably die. You throw more bikers or deep strikers to stand infront of the enemy.

Welcome to the new dex, your not supposed to kill anything

Well you see, the word rap, is pronounced like wrap. So RapR would be pronounced wrap-er.

Your thinking of the word rape. Which is spelled differently, pronounced differently and is in fact a different word.

So yes, if you choose to look at the word rap, and see the word rape. Then yes, call the police.

Why are we going to 4chan for political commentary?

He did go to prison, he got out jacked and started Marky Mark and the funky bunch.

Bikers I feel like do well if you can position them to not die/ demo run at them, that's an average of 5 morty's per unit if them and they get sticky objectives in the Fatboy detachment. Probabaly the best one v knights. Could be wrong. Just try to outmaneuver them

Tyrannocyte might be the worst model on the planet to paint, and nyd pieces overall just have so many lil bits. Just so many lil bits

Scout sentinels go hard in brood brothers. Hellhounds are a good luck up as they give ignore cover regardless of army rule, so your cultists get benefited as well as guard.

I feel like Feild ordinance batteries get slept on alot and they shouldn't. Especially with the point decrease. And they even go well if strats that target infantry as they are infantry key worded arty (arguably the best anti tank you have available to you, that heavy lad cannon CRACKS)

If all else fails just tank spam ngl. 🤷‍♂️

Wait, what did they do to the casino Cannon.... I loved my slot machine

Yeah I agree that it's good writing and that underlying messages are best portrayed this way. As entertainment cause that's what they should be.

But just because it's done well and not forcing you to make the connection doesn't mean that it isn't there.

The ents were pretty pissed at Saruman before he killed any sentient trees. "With his mind if metal and stone" "used to be the protector of the realm" blah blah blah, paired with the fact that Tolkien was really open about the fact he was anti industrial revolution. It seems pretty on the nose to me. 🤷‍♂️

The lord of the rings movies, might be the most anti industrial revolution movies that exist.

Like, in the two towers their is a scene where the literal fucking trees tear apart a factory.

I want an Aegis defence line with Feild ordinance batteries/heavy weapons squads to be good.

The bikers are to try and shit out some lethals, the Alphus let's me hopefully get to use it twice as she lets the units move in over watch. That was my thought process.

I am adverse to mellee cause vs him overall tho, it never really seems to go well when I try it

Edit I retract me earlier. I thought they could overwatch move and demo run but the wording on phases doesn't allow that I just read the specifics from the book/ have never used them before (I've been spamming neophytes forever)