I'm p sure they'd go falco/sheik, falco/fox, or fox/fox depending on the matchup

And all those character combos do well imo. But I think having at least one fox is best for adding access to more upward kills

Is your name Hester Prynne?

The color of that ticket is looking awfully scarlet


Can you please delete this post? The title itself is a spoiler

I notice that you already created another very similar post: "Congratulations to the winner of Melee Singles at DreamHack Rotterdam 2022!" The reason for phrasing it that way is to avoid spoiling, and the same logic applies here

Edit: This post breaks rule #5 of this subreddit: "No recent tournament spoilers in post titles"

sick skin! which one is this?

yoo! thanks but it definitely wasn't me. my name on there is ttv/ssbmsnap and my connect code is SNAP#1. you must have matched up with another G&W player!

Logan is nonbinary and uses both he/him and they/them pronouns


Woman: hahahaha
Turkeys: hahahaha
Me: hahahaha