This was the harder wax ironically! I’ll have to try another type because this one is just so brittle it’s ridiculous. I figured that would be the answer though, I’ll dig it out and have another go

I have a minimum thickness for the containers to reduce any breakage chance as much as possible.

The wax I use is specifically low temperature and commonly used for wax play. There is a greater chance of burn from the flame than from the wax. Unfortunately, while I could put a warning (and can if people would prefer), the people who search for wax play candles are not the ones needing a reminder to be risk aware.

Anything further I can do or change?Handmade Shop

I only opened a week or so ago, so obviously not expecting much yet, but wondering if there’s anything glaringly obvious I can do to make a good start.

My shop link is here

I make candles, the intention is for wax play but I’ve always preferred things to look nice, especially as candles are hard to store inconspicuously. As such, they’re also just nice candles.

I’ve done all the checklists Etsy have given (other than videos on some items), I’ve followed a few of their guides and I’ve joined one of their analysis sites. I’ve still got to utilise the changes advised from that site (mostly small tag changes) but figured I’d see what else would be advised by actual people as well.

Thank you in advance!

I got one of those 4 piece sets (block, bridge, slope, steps) second hand for about £40. They don’t get a huge amount of use as intended, but that’s because our house is tiny. We use the steps to help our toddler climb into bed, and the other bits are currently used as a toy table and to block gaps. She does absolutely love being able to move them around though

Yeah but no followers yet so polls are a bit useless at the moment unfortunately

A lot are also very iffy about even mentioning you sell stuff in the post, and a few expressly state that these sorts of questions count as advertising (I disagree but I’m not in charge). Unfortunately I think if I tried your suggestion I’d definitely get told off for advertising in most places

I’m not making dice, I make candles, but I’m planning on adding wax dice to a few. So it’s less positioning for pictures and positioning in the candle. I’ve looked at the d&d etc subs and they’ve all got the ‘no advertising’ rules unfortunately

The sub for them is…. Interesting. If that’s what she calls herself, it says all it needs to about the attitudes that these people are happy to support

She was born with very dark brown eyes and they haven’t changed in the 2 years since. Her dad has very dark brown eyes, so we’re guessing that’s how hers will stay

There was at least one comment on the stream saying something along the lines of starlight being justified. Maybe there were just people hate watching / being incredibly on the ball when the fight started, but potentially there may be small break offs among firecrackers fan base. Abortion is still a really big point of contention among that crowd in reality after all

-Asexual -Body modder -Psychically sensitive (closest to autism) -jogger / fast walker (at least, if I got some robot bits. I’ve slowed down as my hips have gone)

Not just yet, I only posted my first items last night haha. I did have a shop a few years ago that I gave up on, but I’m willing to give Etsy another try

I had to keep trying, the site kept crashing upon completing the account and then that account was banned for some reason. Eventually I had to create a completely new email address and try again with that. It worked but it was incredibly annoying as each failed attempt claimed a shop name that I then could no longer use

Edit: having done the maths, I’d be under minimum wage even with the padded wages if I had to go up to ~5pm unpaid

With the minimum wage comments, if it’s anything like my agency then technically you’re paid like £1.50 above minimum wage (which you’re supposed to split between sick pay and to cover all school holidays). Because of this there’s probably a technical loophole that while the actual pay is minimum wage, the payslip is padded slightly hourly and so there’s a cushion for this stuff.

In reality if my school pulled this stunt I’d not go because I literally wouldn’t be able to afford to due to childcare. The little ‘buffer’ in my pay is all that actually keeps me afloat - in some schools I’ve ended up with £5 a day after childcare. I couldn’t take a few unpaid extra hours even if I wanted.

BBC YouTube has 3 half hour and 1 hour long nursery rhyme compilation, I’d absolutely recommend checking them out

Autistic Adult

A lot of mine now are just repeating my daughters echolalia, they’re really good sounds

I do that though, most of the situations they give are ones I have experienced or are close enough so I use those examples

Told I should put it here so vent incoming.

I’ll start off with saying I’m autistic. I struggle with this stuff anyway, but seriously it’s absolutely killing me. There’s almost nothing going in my area. I’m stuck on supply (and have just have my meagre 2 days a week cut down to 1 because apparently the budget can’t cover me until summer). In 5 weeks I will be stuck with no income. I’m terrified. I’ve been looking for permanent work since October, including regular jobs.

Feedback after interviews is almost never offered or given. Literally had my first actual feedback today and I didn’t understand it.

Todays feedback was that I ‘need to speak more about the students (I’m a ta) when answering my questions’ but my questions are about how I handle different situations, so I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that. Especially because the situations presented are so vague and hypothetical that I’ve no idea how the student would react to me because I don’t fully know the situation.

And then I was told that I should be more passionate when talking about how I would deal with safeguarding, as at the moment I sound like I don’t want to deal with it. But safeguarding is serious and I talk about it seriously. I’m not going to be super passionate and animated when I’m rattling off who to contact and when.

I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I’m sick of this.

I’ve been doing this for almost a decade. This last lot has been going on since October. There’s not much more ‘practice’ I can take. I know the questions, I know the answers, no matter what I do or say the result is the same

Most places straight up don’t have any. Or it’s contradictory (too interested / not interested enough), or it just doesn’t make sense when related to what they ask in the interview

Everywhere already asks the same questions anyway

Ginger snaps, we tried to use them to help curb my hg and now all I can taste when I eat them is sick 😭