That's because libertarians operate on videogame logic where the world is an apocalyptic wasteland but traders somehow still exist and are able to operate a business without getting ransacked and always have everything in stock despite factories and supply chains being gone. Where are the goods coming from? Don't worry about it, it just works.

Hmmm, I think this counts as a spoiler so if you care about that stuff don't read. The short answer is yes, it's possible to demolish it and build a new one but I don't think you have advanced enough in the game to reach that point yet.

There is a manga called "The dragon knight's beloved". I haven't read it so Idk if it's good or bad, but I remember seeing dragons when I flipped through it.

In my experience old people are incredibly paranoid. Trees and bushes block their view of the street and the neighboring houses and that's unacceptable. How else are they supposed to watch for any "suspicious activity" from their windows?

Plus I imagine being old and retired must be quite boring, specially if you live in suburbia, so they obsess over weird stuff like tree trimming.

Those are my theories at least.

I was playing Hamlet as Wendy. Before the latest update ghosts used to trigger the dart traps inside the ruins. Aporkalypse started and I was trying to get to the clock to turn it off. You can probably already see where this is going. I enter a room and Abigail steps on a plate. One of the hostile ghosts steps on another plate, then a third one does the same right after. I died to a one-two-three punch of one dart after another and I lost that run. Probably the most infuriating death I have experienced. I quit playing the game for like a year after that.

Last quality-of-life update fixed it. Now we got the neutered bees in single player too.

OMG, this! I remember watching the anime back in the day and even my dumb teenage brain was like "wait a minute, that's super messed up, he's basically saying he could see himself becoming r*pist if the circumstances were right". I wasn't surprised she dated him because I could tell Hachi had terrible taste in men, but I knew he was a pos from that moment onwards and I saw the cheating coming from a mile away. I can't believe there are people out there defending this guy.

I could be wrong but those look like пампушки (pampushky) to me. Basically fluffy buns kind of like a doughnut. There are different types, but this ones look like the sweet type which are usually filled with a fruit preserve like jam and then deep-fried.

Edit: nwm, OP says above they are filled with cabbage, so I was wrong they weren't the sweet type.

Whoever thought this was a good idea is my new personal nemesis.

It came back for a little bit and now it's down for maintenance once more. I was in the middle of writing a book review, that's unfortunate. 😭 Hopefully it gets fixed soon.

Thank you, will do. I know it's not the employees fault, you guys are probably getting screwed as much as everyone else. Best of luck to all of you.

LOL what a joke! You paid 18$? Here is a code we used to give away for free. I want my 18$ back...

God damn, that web design! It's like I'm taking a trip back in time to the 90's. But desperate times call for desperate measures, I will give them a chance.

Hmm, Idk man, I used to buy a lot with Alibris last year until I had two really bad experiences back to back. First one was my packages got lost in transit. It was saying it was still on the way but tracking didn't update for over two weeks. No big deal, probably not their fault. Except that every time I would email them about it they kept saying sorry it's taking so long, but it's still on the way. I had to reach out to them four times and two month latter after I finally sent them an angry email basically saying "give me back my money or I'm contacting my bank to dispute the charge" they finally refunded me.

Next time I tried placing an order I got an error message on their website saying that they were having technical difficulties and to try again latter. My credit card was charged but the order wouldn't show up in my history and I never received a confirmation email. I waited a few days to see if the charge would clear up but it stayed there. I contacted their customer support and I received a poorly written response saying that the order didn't go through and that they "won't be collecting the funds", whatever that means. I ended up having to contact my bank and show the email as proof to dispute the charge because their customer support wouldn't do anything about it.

I'm not saying don't buy from them, but I used to recommend them to anyone and now I'm hesitant to place an order again. (And yes, I was buying directly from Alibris for the free shipping, not from a third party.) :/

Damn, I had no idea they translated so much manga to Ukrainian. Do you know of any stores that ship them internationally (to the US specifically)? Otherwise I might have to ask my dad to send me some since he lives there.

Jusus Christ, the comments on that post. Two terminally online zoomers with tiktok brains did something stupid? *cracks knuckles* All right, it's xenophobia and misogyny time!

Honey and Clover, Basara, Sand Chronicles, Library wars, Please save my earth, We were there, Love*com, Mars... basically any of the shojo titles completely forgotten and neglected by Viz. Some volumes in those series go for hundreds, it's insane.

Oh, and volume 1 of QQ Sweeper. As far as I know it's not out of print, but for some reason it has been out of stock for like a year, people are trying to sell their used copies for 50-60$.

So disappointing how little merchandise there is of Yona and how hard it is to get. I don't understand why, as far as I know the series is very popular in Japan.

I keep getting the "shojos don't get good anime adaptations because shojo fans don't buy merchandise" from shonen bros, but like.... what merchandise am I suppose to buy if they don't give us any?!

H) Russian defense dolphins decided to rebel against it's masters and bring down the bridge in an act of defiance.

Great haul, I'm glad I'm not the only one collecting the bookworm manga.

Wow, thanks!

I'm subscribed to their mailing list and I get so much spam from them in my email and yet somehow they didn't notify me of this.