Looks like it's gone after 3 days, although the lines on my test are extremely faint. Not sure if that means anything...

Definitely isn’t, I just did a home test 😓

Thanks for your clarity, I really appreciate it.

It was less than that timeframe, but I’m not a frequent smoker, so I’m hoping it’ll leave my system by testing time.

It is not whatsoever. Is there any way to show that, after having misunderstood the guidelines, or do you suggest I cut my losses? I really want this, and strive to prove that I am serious and that cannabis is not a priority in my life one bit.

I do not like to smoke pot. As stated, I am ok to never smoke again in my life.

No idea yet. That would be heaven sent at this point…

Damn. Thanks, this helps. Ok, one last question… How long after filling out paperwork (or getting an initial verbal offer) did the email come through?

How long did you initially have to book it, 24 or 72 hrs?

Oh thank you so much, it’s reassuring to hear it from someone who sees it unfold in real life! I feel crazy to even wish for a negative result after having smoked so soon. This makes me a little less hopeless.

In this case, I’ll definitely try this method. It can’t hurt. I’m trying a few other things in tandem, hopefully it works out or at the very least I get an opportunity to test again after a period. Appreciate the well wishes 🙏🙏🙏

I don’t have it in me to tamper. It really sucks because if it bites me in the ass, I’ll miss out on a dream opportunity…

How the Gatorade mix helps it not test diluted, specifically… I’m thinking it can’t be a sugar-free one, in case there’s something beyond the electrolytes that the mix helps with.

I just noticed way more info in your comment than I saw earlier, thank you for that. It’s really helpful. Will try this on top of everything else. Pray for me!

Do you know if that would be because of the electrolytes/specific gravity? This one is interesting, but still seems riskier than trying to buy time with dilution

Thanks, this is reassuring. Currently stewing in 190°… glad it helps you out!

How many steams is safe in a day? I’m doing one in morning and night for now… with “sweaty rooms” in between (and so much water 🫠)

I don’t know that for sure, but upon a deeper dive everything I’ve looked up on gov/city sites seems to indicate that my state does (recently legalized)

That seems to be the best option so far. It won’t disqualify me?

It says they’d test for controlled substances in accordance to the city’s substance policy (which it is legal in, so I had no idea federal requirements would be applied.)

Then double checked a few times, all I could find were recent articles about how federal employees will no longer be required to not have prior cannabis use. I should’ve been extra prudent, I have been wanting this position for a long time. Had no idea it would be this stringent. Actually had a date on my calendar for when it would be safe to apply to federal roles…

Thank you for the tips! Trying all the above, and then some…

Learning that now, so mad at myself for not anticipating this. Can’t believe everything you read online… I don’t even like cannabis. Let’s hope I can purge it from my system

Thank you so much! Planning to try that, after a couple days of sauna, detox, exercise, water…

If they asked, I was definitely honest