Does anybody else...?

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DAE feel less comfortable when eating a meal outdoors?

Not UNcomfortable per se, but less cozy than eating indoors.

Picnics especially. I feel like my food is exposed to so many outdoor elements.

DAE have seasonal depression during the summer?

I know season depression is more of a winter time thing, it’s dark out, days are short, and it’s cold. But I feel like sometimes I struggle with the summers and this season is when I feel more depressed. This is because all over social media I see people out having fun and doing things. Being in boats, at their pools, and the beach with all their friends. It just reminds me that I don’t have as many friends or boats or that stuff. It just looks like everyone’s having so much fun. There will be days where I’m out doing fun things too, but not all the time and idk I just feel bummed out when it’s so nice out but I don’t have any thing fun to do or groups of friends to be with. I’m 28F. maybe this has more to do with social media comparing than season depression but i just feel sad.

IAE Unbothered by not being “stereotypically masculine”?

Call me weak? Literally don’t care. Call me emotional? Yea sorry, I have feelings. A girl is stronger than me? Good on her, she can do her, and I can do me. Tell me to man up? How bout I be human instead?

I have no problem not being stereotypically masculine, and if anybody tries to tell me I’m not man enough, they should save their breath because I do not care in the slightest.

DAE drive barefoot after a long day at work??

Oh my god people are going to think I’m wierd for this

So at my job I’m always moving, non stop throughout the day, other then when I take my break (sometime I’m moving then too)

But boy does my feet hurt so bad at the ends of these shifts

I literally have to take my shoes off on the drive home, cause my feet hurt so bad ( it usually take an hour to get home)

I’m seriously thinking of buying some car slippers to keep in the car for when I get off work just so my feet aren’t aching from my shoes

DAE do this 😂

DAE wonder how many strangers’ photos you’re in the background of?

Imagine…They get the photo album out from their vacation and point and laugh at you looking ridiculous in the background of their photo.

DAE not care about forming new relationships, friendships, keeping old ones intact?

I'm not dating, not looking for new friends. I couldn't care less about my family members, they think bullying is joking .

When I come home, it's so peaceful and I don't want anybody in my space.

I don't want to have kids either, so won't pursue marriage in the near future.

I think I'm done with close relationships

DAE have extremely awkward stare downs with their Dog when naked?

Sometimes i’ll be getting ready for the shower or in between rounds going to get a glass of water and my dog will just sit there staring at my valuables and i don’t know how to feel. Then my intrusive thoughts tell me “what if reincarnation is real and this just a dude staring at my meat?” He looks at me like he KNOWS what i’m thinking. Its trippy.

DAE get teased/bullied for their height???

LIKE I’m only 5’7.. Which is literally average for a women And I was still probably the tallest in my class for most of my schooling ( 5th grade + ) I hit my grow spurt pretty early (I get it from my dad lol)

And like I was always teased for my height, even though, as a girl, that was pretty average, but I guess not where I’m from, or lived in

And then in highschool, I was even bullied, by this guy who was really rude would yell across the class in front of EVERYONE “your breathe stinks you need gum” ….? LIKE

And then he would always tell me “my friend says your a giraffe, you really are one” “ tree trunk/tree trunk/tree trunk “

And he’d always say the meanest things to me, really hurtful things, my self esteem has dropped tremendously

Guys would always stare and laugh and point at me, cause I was always taller than them, especially in my class :(

maybe that’s why I need therapy, I have some bad body image

I’ve always wished I was like 5’3 or something and then maybe people would talk to me and not laugh at me

DAE feel physically sick from Minecraft?

When I play or watch someone play Minecraft for longer than a few minutes, I feel incredibly nauseous. Minecraft music has this effect, too. I can't even think about playing Minecraft without feeling vaguely ill.

DAE orgasm too fast when they're really happy/in a good mood?nsfw

I'm prone to anxiety so it doesn't happen often, but the rare times that my head is free of worry and I'm in a really good mood, I reach climax within a minute. When I google premature orgasm, all I find says that it is caused by anxiety, but for me it's the opposite. Anybody else experience this?

HAE gotten sick at a much higher rate ??

Prior to Covid, I MAYBE got sick once a year ... i mean maybe, and it was generally a common cold. Flu maybe would get once every 2-3 years.

As of the last year, I've been sick every other month with very similar cold symptons such runny nose, dry cough, extreme fatigue, and muscle aches and they last for much longer than before as well. Usually 2-3 weeks minimum.

Just wondering if anybody else is in the same boat

DAE previously have had bad brain fog and cognitive issues from being sick?

I just got sick a week ago and I’m experiencing losing my ability to think properly, hold a clear thought, and even remember things that happened not too long ago.

DAE feel like people today don't appreciate how incredible the internet is?

Like, we're all able to communicate with people halfway around the world, share knowledge and ideas, etc. and everybody just sort of takes it for granted. We can interact with people thousands of miles away instantaneously. If somebody 200 years ago learned about the internet their mind would be blown. But people today are so used to it we don't really stop and acknowledge how miraculous it all is.

Does anybody else get this weird headspace?

My brain feels fuzzy or foggy. Kinda feels like the day after you've smoked a load of weed and also kind of like a migraine but without any pain. I feel pretty bad and a bit tired but no pain of any sort. I've searched silent migraine symptoms and it says loads of stuff that doesn't relate to what I'm feeling.

DAE like to watch people bite/pick their nails?

I’ve never seen a post agreeing with something like this but; I LOVE watching people roughly chew and pick at their nails. I usually can’t watch for long in person though because they usually stop when they see someone observing them. But I love watching videos of it too! Something about their motions and concentration very hypnotic🥰💅.

DAE break up time into smaller pieces in their head so it seems like less time when you're at work waiting to go home?

I'll be at work and there's two hours left. 1 hour is a lot of time, but 15 minutes go by super quickly. So instead of thinking about it as 2 hours I'll think about it as 8 times 15 minutes. That makes it feel less bad to me.

DAE store/hold the pits in their upper lip while eating cherries?

Hope this doesn't count as an absurd post because I literally do this whenever I eat them so I don't have to keep spitting out a pit after every single cherry I eat. Of course I spit them all out after I can't hold anymore. (Roughly 4-6 I can hold in my lip at a time. Maybe I'm just lazy idk

DAE sometimes have dreams that they would never tell a single soul because they’re far too twisted?

Or am I just mentally sick?

Maybe a few times per year I have a dream that is so dark and so depraved or emotionally confusing that I would never even tell my therapist whom I share everything else with

DAE find they cannot deal with second hand embarrassment in films AT ALL?

Hi, I’m 21F and I have never been able to deal with any level or form of second hand embarrassment in videos. This includes YouTube pranks, cringey comedies stretching even as far as nearly vomiting when watching Diary of a Wimpy kid. Is this normal? Everyone I know p*sses themselves laughing at things like American Pie, Borat etc but I CANNOT STAND THEM. I have to leave the room. It makes me feel so awful inside. I don’t even know how to express how it makes me feel but I know that I hate it. I cannot bring myself self to be in the room while these kind of things are playing unless I had noise cancelling headphones on and a blindfold. Does anyone else feel like this?

Does anybody else get shoulder/ bicep pain when wearing clothes?

I have been getting shoulder/ bicep/ arm pain in my right arm when I wear certain t shirts or long sleeves for quite some time. It’s almost like sensitivity to touch. Only my right arm is affected left is fine. My arm will ache so bad sometimes that I will have to take off what I’m wearing and put on something that feels looser so my arm won’t hurt anymore. Even sometimes when I wash my clothes and put them on after they will feel tighter on my right arm than before I start getting pain and have to take the clothing off. This has made buying new clothes very difficult as most clothing will irritate my right arm as soon as I put it on. I’m pretty sure that it’s related to my job as I work on a computer. Not sure if it’s my posture, a repetitive stress injury, bicep tendinitis or fibromyalgia? I know I probably need to quit my job soon and find something that doesn’t irritate my arm. Nonetheless I’m wondering if anybody has gone through something similar and have any advice?

DAE feel like the BEST possible outcome from drinking is neutral?

As far as I see it, the best thing that you can possibly hope for from drinking is to be where you started out before you drank that day.

What I mean is, you haven't managed to make an ass of yourself; get into an argument, fight, PI, DUI, No-Fly listed, or even worse things.