JTM60 clean channel

I remember that the clean channel on my old JTM60 2x12 was extremely nice, and a lot of people said it was uncharacteristically good for a Marshall. I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice on obtaining a similar tone either from a Marshall or some other brand?

They’re not sensitive to non-ferrous metals though. Could be sensitive to physical vibrations, yes, hence my comment about the microphonic pickup. But then I would expect the metal tube to just shield the pickup from the vibrations.

How does that induce an electromagnetic field in the pickup coil? Placing it very close to the speaker might work, but apparently it was just in the room.

I never quite understood how that works. Brass is not ferromagnetic (only trace amounts of iron according to google), so putting a guitar pickup inside a brass tube shouldn’t excite a signal in the pickup. Maybe it was a microphonic pickup? Or the tube was more brass-coloured than actually made of brass?

then I read that the pots all ad up (even when the pickup is not switched on)

That’s not true for a typical Gibson layout. I don’t doubt that the guitar sounded good with 250k pots, but this is not the reason.

Thoughts on the method from the other comment?

Pics needed to know for sure.

I would be very hesitant to replace stuff simply because it’s a little corroded, that’s real ageing and putting new parts in can look really weird. Rusty stuff still works. Excess rust can be gently removed.

Why did Maynard say "no, no, no" last night? (Stockholm)Tour

I saw some hands in the air from the crowd, looked like Maynard was going to walk off the stage and ju-jitsu someone for misbehaving. I think it was during the intro to Fear Inocculum. I was sitting on the other side so couldn't really see.

So an actual comment about the guitar. It has a 27” scale length which is extremely unusual. Most guitars are in the 24” to 25.5” range, and then baritones are more like 30”. Scale length has a big impact on feel and tone. I would love to play one for this reason alone.

Just downloaded it. It feels way less polished than Appollo, I’m sorry to say. It would need a lot more polish for me to pay for it.

Example of something I noticed within about 5 seconds: if looking at an image of a post, it should prefetch the comments for the post. So if I go to the comments section the first few comments should already be loaded.

Tell your parents, it’s their job to help you with stuff like this.

Do you have access to a multimeter? You can measure resistance between the pairs of legs and that will tell you what has happened to it.

Should put up a sign with the number card hanging on a hook “Number of death threats: 3”

Hi! I would love to get my hands on a copy of black hands, trying to watch from overseas. Thanks!

Seems equally plausible to me that you would go and check on your family members to either help them or get help from them.

I have a vague memory that he uses a rat for this song when playing live.

Nej, tyvärr. Bara gitarr och förstärkare egentligen. Har en eltrumsats (ingen PA eller så) och bas men ingen basförstärkare. Men skulle ju kunna skaffa några av dem ganska lätt (t.ex basförstärkare om jag skulle spela bas) om jag hade folk att spela med (lite ”chicken & egg” problem).

Ja, sant. Det kan bli något helt annorlunda än vad man hade förväntat sig. Det låter bra för mig i alla fall!

Låter intressant! Spelar gitarr (hyfsat bra), bas (okej) och trummorna (nybörjare) och har tillgång till ett garage. Vilken sorts musik tänker du spela?