Agreed. The snarky bullshit is tacky as fuck, regardless of whatever side you’re on.

He drives a cyber truck, I think that’s punishment enough

Brioche? That doesn’t sound too 🇺🇸

Why not both? Let’s celebrate the gay patriots!

They tempura green beans are delicious, but don’t sit all that well with me. Otherwise, I’m a big fan.

Dope, gives me something to do while the ribs finish cooking.

Intentional ignorance is lame. Pretending to be ignorant is lame.

Bro, chill. Nothing to get upset about. Keep making the same joke about not knowing who current pop culture people are. It makes you seem super cool and edgy.

Bro, you’re the one who thought not knowing who someone is was funny. Seriously though, they let you do night classes and everything. Education is essential.


Just in case anyone else was unfamiliar

That’s fine, faking ignorance online because you think it’s funny is juvenile. Stay in school kiddo

Hey, if you think it’s funny, bully for you! I personally think that it makes you seem like ol Abe Simpson yelling at clouds, but you do you buddy.

She’s named in the title of the damn post. If you don’t know who she is, Google is free.

I downvoted because it’s being nitpicky after someone provided such great information. No acknowledgement of that, no discussion of what was actually said, just unrequested advice.

Eh, I’ve encountered a lot of stinky christians

If she was reciting a different fairy tale at those volumes, it would still be annoying

Omg, I was just thinking about that! I really should

Cool, so we’re good now, right? I’m about to wipe and I’d rather discontinue this conversation

Figured it was something to do while I took a shit.

We’re on a rick and Morty sub, none of this matters. Go take a nap or something

Turo = Airbnb, but cars

Gummer = a blowjob where the performer of the act has no teeth

Crack Head = resident of Aurora Ave in Seattle