
Once again, Bojacks representation of child stars being used and abused by Hollywood execs is frighteningly accurate. Obviously, Sarah Lynn and Bojack don’t represent just one person, they represent a concept. It is incredibly depressing to watch in real time, JoJo doesn’t even think she was abused. She truly believes that everything that happened to her made her a better, stronger person when in reality it turned her into the same people who took advantage of her. I feel bad for her, what she went through should never happen to any child. But as an adult who was also abused as a child, she just disgusts me. JoJo abuses other children, she hangs out with and actively defends people like Colleen Balinger, Shane Dawson, James Charles. She has cemented herself as a Bojack in her story. Abused people who don’t think they were abused (and fail to get proper therapy) will often perpetuate the cycle of abuse. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I’m sure these are conclusions you have all already come to yourself, but it’s just on my mind.