with fundamental flaws like the headstock angle and nut cutting

TBF, everytime they tried to fix this, the traditional idiots come out and complain. That's their market. They can't fight with them. If they want broken headstocks, then so be it.

Yeah, a lot of the numetal and alternative rock bands during that time used PRS. Honestly, that's all I ever knew them for (minus Santana). Years later was surprised they were boomer guitars worse than Gibbons.

The ibanez universe had a passive pickup and that defined a whole genre that inspired even more. I'm sure actives have their advantage but sweetwater just trying to FOMO people into buying more gear

He's the guy who named his channel "riffs beards and gear" what the fuck lmao he made his whole schtick about his beard

/uj I know Allan's name gets thrown out here and there, but wasn't he broke by the time he died (or at least at certain times before his death)? There's a lot drama to that. He really was underappreciated. There was literally a go fund me for his funeral.

so tell us how you really feel about ripped jeans?

You might be missing the term "stolen valor"

Something something stolen valor ripped jeans something something

I mean he wore Squirtle glasses, tight suit no tie, and slicked back hair. What the fuck was he expecting?

You have to do both to play properly. You're probably doing his version too, just not mindfully. Also, you just need enough opposing force to fret the note properly.

That method he described is good when you're setting down, but is more difficult to do when you're standing up. To be fair, it's much easier with modern specs (giant frets). You could play even with your thumb not touching the back of the neck. Try it out: fingers on fretboard, body as anchor, right forearm/elbow preventing guitar from moving forward. Even without your thumb touching the neck, you're still giving enough force to fret notes properly (probably why some people just say you use the thumb simple as a "guide").

Some guitar players use this as a way to do vibrato on fixed bridge guitars.

CMV: Guitars are male0-3-5

Robert is a great guitar name

Could you please show the expanded mode in side view?

/uj why even use that pic of vai with the triple neck instead of the hydra where he actually plays everything lol

/rj joan mayor playz with FEELINGS

Ui-beam started cause of Ui singing Fansa. People kept asking Ui to do it again but she didn't want to. People thought Ui sounded too much like Watame because of their similar laugh so they decided to ask Watame to do it and she abused it,

He got it from goodwill lmao i can't find the video why is google and youtube search so shit nowadays. I mean it has been for like more than 5 years, but even more so now dang

Bruh. Everybody copies the Kings and SRV. It's like saying "Oh I like Hendrix" he is so staple that the lines are blurred. It's like saying you're influenced by Wes just by using your thumb. Yet Joe literally copied all of Eric's pentatonic licks even down to the uncommon note groupings and picking patterns. He admits it on multiple occasions.

The blues isn’t boomer music. It’s music that boomers like.

I'm not even gonna argue about this one you're totally missing the point.

It’s amazing to witness and hear.

At no point did I say he sucked either. He's a great player.

/uj Joe is a cool dude and is probably nice IRL. He's obviously a guitar geek who loves music. But he's real easy to make fun of. He plays boomer music, but he really just ripped off Eric Johnson but we don't know any of his songs. He's also hoarding vintage gear, that's pretty self-explanatory.

He also says a lot of boomer stuff that's easy to bait people to hating. The other day he said you can sound like hendrix with a squier, peavey classic, and some dunlop pedals. Well no fucking shit, single coil into a clean amp with a marshall-flavored pedal? This isn't the 90s anymore, there are a billion guitar pedals there that sound amazing. I could play a beginner amp, set it to clean, a pedal in front, and I'll sound great. How is this a surprise? But look at the instant reaction: A SQUIER??? SO WHY YOU HOARDING VINTAG GIBBANS LOOOOL

Other dumb shit he said before:

“I’ve really gotten over pedals. I can’t keep up with this craze of boutique pedals that make you sound like everything but your guitar. I can’t get my head around it. So you don’t want to play a guitar [properly] so you buy a box that makes it sound like an algorithm, like you just fired up your computer and you can spend the night staring at your fuckin’ shoes? C’mon man…

“I know I’ll get shit for saying this, but it’s fucking lazy. It’s insulting to people who spent 35 years playing and learning, like a lot of players. And we continue to work at it! These guys can barely play a chord but call themselves soundscapists. Get the fuck outta here! It’s bullshit. There’s so much masking and spin going on there. Can we get real for a minute? What do you actually play? Pick up an acoustic guitar… try that!”

I don't even have to explain how dumb that entire quote is but whatever.

Wait what? So it doesn't matter who you pick, that's all the damage they do?

Everything is in 4/4 if you try hard enough.

Generational divide? The song is reminiscent of songs from niconico 10 to 20 years ago. The visuals were even requested to be that way.

<Kasane to Subaru>

Buys pedals to become like Andy Timmons, but doesn't practice much.