This has a lot of likes; is this how people are really learning? 

Sometimes I notice very experienced players develop ways to do things that lend towards their advanced technique and not towards ease of learning.

Have any of you learned with this method of counter pressing the guitar while you barre and was it effective?

I'm literally the thumb squeeze juggernaut (bitch) and an instructor of last resort when players can't learn techniques. I teach people who can't do barre chords to do them pretty easily with a thumb squeeze technique and a 3 minute exercise done 1-3 times a day. When I keep my hands trained, I can barre chord with my pointer, middle, ring and pinky at the first fret on things like 6 string basses and 8 string guitars. Right now I feel weak as fuck and can only do it on the 2nd fret with all fretting digits.

Well anyways, was just curious if I should include as an option to teach beginners. I let my GF review that method of barre and she said it "is stupid" and did not elaborate.


From the current replies I'm getting "No I didn't use this to learn barre chords".