Team Blue!

Is that what the hand stuff is?? I was thinking just stiff joints but my god my hands have been hurting for days now. The lightning crotch is unreal. I woke up exhausted this morning and was back in bed by 10 am. My dr checked me the other day and said I’m 3-4cm already but I haven’t had contractions or my water break. I’m 37 weeks.

Ahhh yeah I hate when there’s a name that you like but it’s tainted by an awful person or kid 😂 I worked in preschool for years and the amount of names that were ruined for me is not a short list lol

Yeah, these people are the reason we are seeing near eradicated diseases like measles, whooping cough, and POLIO cropping back up. It’s so infuriating.

That’s gonna be a hard no from me. I don’t think I’d be able to continue the friendship.

Not with my first. I knew what I wanted to name a daughter years before I had one and I kind of pulled rank on her name and love it.

Now I’m about to have a boy and had to compromise a little bit with my husband because I was so adamant about the first one. The name was on my list, but not my first choice, and I am not planning on calling him his full name, just the shortened version of it. So I guess it’s not so much second guessing but there was one name I really wanted to go with but my husband vetoed 🤷🏼‍♀️

I agree with this. Boys need to know it’s okay to have all kinds of feelings and emotions and that they can express them instead of tamping them down.

I’m also expecting a boy this time (I have one daughter) but I have a good role model in my husband. We are a partnership; share equal responsibilities, mutual respect. I feel we are a pretty good example of how men and women in a relationship should treat each other.

Consent is another big deal to teach young boys (or children in general, really). And it’s so simple. If someone says no, that means stop. With my daughter recently, she’s been testing personal space and it’s the same concept. We tell her that if someone tells her no or says stop, it’s their body and she has to respect their wish, just as if someone was doing something she didn’t like then when she asks them to stop or says no they should respect her wish.

Finally, we try to focus on empathy, kindness, compassion, and healthy (not blind) respect (for all living things, not just people). Open mindedness. Embracing diversity. Traits I feel like good humans have. There are so many great young children’s books now that can help instill these values as well! We probably have too many but we love books over here!

Team Blue!

I’m 36 weeks and have gained about 23lbs. All of it was the first two trimesters because I was eating whatever I wanted. I got diagnosed with GD around 28 weeks and had to go on a low carb/low sugar diet and have basically gained no weight since then.

Team Blue!

Mine was premature - spontaneous water breaking at 34+4, had her the next day - but when reflecting on it I just felt like crap for a few days before it happened. Just aches and pains that I hadn’t had until that point. Other than that nothing. I’m 36 weeks with my second, he’s measuring big, and I’ve had a way worse time with this one. Currently (for about a week or so) it’s been feeling like he’s trying to punch through my damn cervix and it hurts like hell. But I have no clue when he’s gonna come, hopefully sooner rather than later 🥴

Where in GA? Sounds very similar to where I grew up lol but my husband and I (who actually started dating in HS) both got undergrad and grad degrees before we hard our first at 31. Now on our second and last at 34. But I can sooo relate to how many people I graduated with that had kids in or immediately after HS (no thanks!).

I’m so worried about this 😅😅 I’m due within a month and my first has always been a great sleeper and just was a great baby in general. This one has already been giving me a run for my money and hasn’t even been born yet - I’m scared lol

You definitely should not feel guilty if you physically can’t get the shot - that’s why it’s so important that everyone who can get it does and why I get so heated when they won’t. And it’s great that your baby was able to get his vaccines 🙂

I, too, have an Aria because I absolutely love the name and the amount of times I’ve heard the “area” pronunciation is mind boggling. Like what 🙄

I’m also in the US. I think it really depends on your physician. And I didn’t get it at the OB, I got it at the pharmacy, but they did need a prescription from my OB for it which she was happy to provide.

This is why I rage on the pregnancy forums when women are like “I don’t get any vaccines while pregnant!” (I’m 36 weeks and got mine around 32, absolutely got it when I was pregnant with my daughter back in 2020 as well)

There is no excuse not to get the TDaP while pregnant if it offers your infant any protection at all (it does). Babies can DIE from whooping cough. I also was extremely happy I was able to go get the RSV vaccine this week as well because that’s another illness I don’t play around with. My doctor is one that recommends it just about any time because RSV can spread in more than just the winter months (we know firsthand when my daughter caught it late Aug-early Sept at 7 months old due to some extremely irresponsible parenting at her daycare). Vaccinate yourselves and keep your LO’s as safe as you can.

Oh same. It’s absolutely insane and idiotic. Like do you not see the correlation here?!?

Oh dang maybe good timing? Not sure but they took both my husband and I as patients with no trouble!

I’m fairly new to the area but I started seeing Mallory Shillinger at Piedmont Physicians Hawthorne and I really like her! Super nice and really seemed to listen and engage with me.

Seconding this, have never had to use lube with my hubs since he has skin and his own personal lubricant due to that! Much better than a dry head imo 🤷🏼‍♀️ the only time we use lube is when I might need it.

Thanks for letting me know to stay home for a while 😂