My boyfriend just got me this for my birthday a few days ago šŸ˜‚

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

This is how it feels to say ā€œidk yā€™all, I donā€™t think that teeny sandwich is worth that priceā€

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Love Rinna, I had to watch her distorted, crazy filler face in Mommie Meanest just to get my fix šŸ˜‚

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Iā€™m watching OC for the first time and just got to Noellaā€™s season.. she doesnā€™t fit in with these girls, but I am very entertained by her antics. I feel like she would slot in perfectly on Salt Lake City! Her screaming by a lake in Aspen was serving community college theatre degree, which the entire cast of SLC serves at all times

I canā€™t stand Kardea as a judge. She picks her faves at the start of the season and bends whatever narrative to get them to stay despite underbaked crusts, raw cheesecakes, flavors the other judges donā€™t like.. Nancy does the same thing, and I have the same issue with her.

I actually like Damaris, I think her criticisms are warranted and she keeps it honest. I wish Carla was on every season, sheā€™s the perfect balance to any panel because sheā€™s kind and complimentary, but can give that tough love when itā€™s needed.

Itā€™s mind boggling, especially the amount of people who are like ā€œBRING RAND ON THE SHOWā€ like youā€™re that pissed off at Lala trying to make a TV show that youā€™re calling for her abusive ex to be cast on this show? Itā€™s disgusting.

This is beautifully said šŸ˜‚ from someone who hated Tom looooong before Scandoval, I always thought he was a loser and SO embarrassing, and tbh he took it up a notch this season with his tears and whining and weird ā€œhealingā€ scenes, his desperation to be liked is delicious

Right? This sub is so delulu, like the person claiming earlier that the shitty SAH grilled cheese was SO big and SO filling that they had to get a to go box šŸ™ƒ

I think that in his world view, Schwartz did no wrong in their relationship/marriage and Sandoval genuinely thinks Katie was the sole problem and causing his buddy all of this grief. I feel like this is evidenced by his ā€œbattered wifeā€ drag meltdown. Whether he gathered these opinions based on what Schwartz told him, what he observed, what he interpreted.. weā€™ll never know for sure, but I think Sandoval genuinely and foolishly felt Schwartz did nothing wrong and Katie was the root of all evil in his bestieā€™s life

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Agree with all of the ones already listed, but RHONJ season 8, RHOC season 14, and RHONY season 9 are all classic for me as well

I used to love Gizelle in her earlier seasons, her frenemy vibes with Karen were just too good. I started to like her less and less throughout the seasons, but she lost me fully when she was attacking Chris, probably because I have been a Candiace fan from day one, but she was for sure a bitter person before and jealous of the younger girls, but I feel like that season she turned straight up hateful. I actually havenā€™t watched the most recent season yet because of what Iā€™ve read about her and Ashley doing.

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Okay, she does it to herself because sheā€™s constantly lying, but the receipts they STACKED on Vicki throughout the years.. you can just feel how much the producers hate her lmao

And letā€™s not forgot the person leading the charge on armchair diagnosing her with BPD, amongst other things, was yā€™allā€™s fave angel Ariana šŸ˜‡

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Please watch The Goat on Prime, sheā€™s a disaster on it. She keeps calling herself a housewife and saying ā€œmy showā€ as if we donā€™t know sheā€™s been off the airwaves for 10+ years

In my French vanilla fantasy, after both of their inevitable divorces happen, they will get together for maximum chaos šŸ˜‚

Listen, if Iā€™m being honest, I would get the photo first because no one would ever believe me. Iā€™d act like a fan. Then after the photo, I would start the lecturing, but I would get the photo first šŸ˜‚

Excuse you what?

Legend has it, her family is still sitting in that Airbnb living room waiting to meet Pilot Pete

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

I could totally see it! My unhinged theory is that Jax and LVP have hooked up šŸ˜‚ so Ramona would fit into that formula as well LOL

Her clothes I usually like, but Dua Lipasā€™s new red hair sheā€™s been doing lately.. itā€™s not it. Sheā€™s so gorgeous, but I think it washes her out so badly and looks like a shitty dye job someone would do in their dorm room. Iā€™d love her back in a dark chocolate brown or even black.

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Sheā€™s like Jax in that way.. both monsters with little self awareness, but shockingly observant and correct about everyone around them

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

Iā€™ve been laughing AT Sandoval this whole season tbh. The scream therapy, the dramatic scene of him emerging from the plunge, his tearful monologues.. his bad acting is hilarious to me. Iā€™m much more entertained by him acting like this than him acting all self righteous and like he was ā€œbetterā€ than Jax or Schwartz, which he did most of his tenure on this show šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

LISA RINNA IS NOT THE MONSTER EVERYONE CLAIMS HER TO BE!!! I see her being compared to Jen Shah all the time, like literally a criminal who is currently in PRISON lol, sheā€™s just a messy housewife trying to make drama on TV, thatā€™s her crime. I do think she veered off the path a little towards the end of her run, but she brought many entertaining moments on BH. ā€œWere people doing coke in your bathroomā€ is one of my fave housewives quotes šŸ˜‚

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤


10000% agree with you!

the biggest liar in Utah šŸ„¤

LOVE this theory, Iā€™m in agreement with most of this. Tbh I thought and Tom and Ariana were only ā€œtogetherā€œ for the show long before they moved into their little McMansion in the valley. Once the thrill of them cheating together and making Kristen miserable by claiming she had a mental illness due to them gaslighting her wore off, there was nothing left. But Ariana has absolutely no personality on her own so she needed Tom to stay getting a paycheck because we all know she wouldā€™ve been cut had they broken up.