It’s better to be lonely than to be with a man like that. Find some self-respect, OP.

The only part that was wrong was you caring that he unfollowed and blocked you and then texting him about it from a friend’s phone. I’m sure he LOVED that you came groveling for forgiveness for something that wasn’t even wrong. Stop playing his games and live your own life.

A lot of people are really piling on you in these comments. Here’s my take… I don’t think she needs to tell you all the details of her life. But it’s weird that she lies to you about her life and it’s weird that she insults your BIL to your face but then is sleeping with him in secret. Why lie? Why talk shit? Those are just not the actions of a good or honest person, I don’t care what excuse she may have - those actions speak poorly of her character, imo. I would probably just go ahead and drop this friend again and tell your husband about the situation. Let him decide if he wants to tell his brother. And then just let it go, let it all go.

She doesn’t believe in abortion. She believes in bringing babies into this world after suffering through a high risk pregnancy, and with many possible complications. A baby who may or may not end up with good people for parents - but who can say? The adoption situation in this country is so fucked up and babies are basically just a commodity to be purchased.

It sounds like she doesn’t have the money for a new lawyer. Unfortunately there is very little recourse to a person hiring a negligent attorney who doesn’t do their job to the best of their ability, especially after they have already been paid.

There are also some comments of her talking about his porn addiction and it ruining their sex lives.

What a winner! It’s no wonder she loves him soooo much and desperately wants to marry him! 😒

She went from a 20+ year age gap to only 8, what progress!

I think this girl needs to be single for a while, sounds like she’s got a type, and it’s manipulative assholes.

This comment section is useless because unless we know the specifics about what daughter is actually calling about - it can go either way.

Is she the type to call dad to rescue her constantly and from every little thing?

Is to rare that she calls in tears and asks him to come get her? Or does it happen constantly?

Is she currently living in a dorm with a girl who is excessively hostile towards her? Some living situations can be intolerable.

All that to say…. I don’t think you gave enough info for a fair assessment of your situation.

YTA, OP. I really hope your wife leaves you and finds someone who will actually put forth the effort in their relationship instead of just shutting down and emotionally cheating on her. You really suck.

Because these are different situations. OP has spent the last (however many) years just shutting down his relationship after that comment. He didn’t try to make his marriage work, just shut his wife out. Thats why he’s the asshole. And he also admits to an emotional affair with this other woman, which doesn’t help him look any better.

In the other post, the husband makes the comment and not only admits they both gained weight but that his wife had given birth 9mo prior, so what’s his excuse for gaining weight? Because his wife actually has one.

You can’t actually compare posts like this so easily, each situation is nuanced and a little different.

Hit him with some social justice, because it doesn’t sound like your father left you any legal options.

Maybe he didn’t think that, but he should have still considered the possibility. I’m very sorry that he didn’t, but you need to just move on knowing that you’ll never get that money.

The only thing I can think to do would be to make a big deal about it on social media, if he’s at all active there. Tell other people that he stole your money and maybe it will shame him into paying.

Unfortunately, this is on your dad. Your uncle sucks, but your dad didn’t do anything to ensure that you got the money upon his death.

Please tell me she’s not 5 years old or similarly young still.

This is SO true, and makes me hate men who think it’s ok to just go get a happy ending massage. That woman doesn’t want to touch all those dirty dicks, she has no choice but to do what she has to do.

If you stay with him, please realize that the rest of your life together will be spent with him cheating on you. He will not stop if you stay now, so you need to be ok with signing yourself up for that.

The post literally said she was in pain for days before she went to the hospital.

Also, are we really arguing over this post that is the fakest thing I’ve read online in a while?

Because this story is most likely all bullshit and OP didn’t like the negative responses he was getting so he made some shit up to make himself look better.

Why would a woman who went ring shopping also reject his proposal? That doesn’t make any sense.

Wait… wait… why did I have to check if I was reading a post on r/ amianangel ? OP, if this is true, you should know that it’s so ridiculous of you to consider staying with him that it sounds fake.

OP: “I know this sounds fake but it’s real!” X2

Thou doth protest too much, methinks.