Good afternoon, my dad died in 2023. He was my best friend and told me everything. He died and had money in his brother’s account. I had used that account several times with my dad for business, he wouldn’t even tell his brother what he was spending because it was my dads money at the end of the day, he had the debit card access to the account and everything. He couldn’t have it under his name for some reason. My dad didn’t have a will or anything. When he died i let 2 weeks pass before i said anything to his brother (my uncle) when i mentioned it he said we will talk about it later. I called again a month after and he said he doesn’t know anything ab any money in this account. Which is bullshit because my dad bought many things with that account. So long story short my lawyer sent him a letter saying if he wants to discuss this account. Received nothing back, he hasn’t contacted me in a year. He ran off with the money, that entire side of the family hasn’t said a word to me. It’s not even about the money and never was but i know my dad would have wanted his kids to have his money. He always told me he had something for his kids in that account. Its 4 of us, but we have tried everything to contact my uncle and nothing. Is there any possible way of ever getting that money back?