choosing the right tool for the job is the hallmark of a pro.

this right here screams "see, im not a nutter! ill use my 'general purpose rifle' for this general purpose! this is a totally logical choice - its not just a fantasy, someone actually needs me to use my AR in real life!!!!"

please update when your FIL bans you from his property lmao

"Peter principle"

"New broom sweeps clean principle"

ok leatherface, put the chainsaw down and back away from the brisket

"I've got big hands" 1911 has smaller grip than everything else 😭

9 year olds kick rocks through windows at least twice that fast

How deep is your bunker? Do you have earth moving equipment, pallets of quikrete, rebar, and support beams stashed as well? Food and water? What is the largest caliber gun you have? Got any mountain artillery or mortar tubes stashed away? Because if you need that many mags to fight something, you need heavy MG's (even a semiauto M2 will do), indirect fire, and drones for FO. All of you who have the means - start stacking THAT. But it is a nice stash of mags. I'd recommend a rifle for every 10 mags though. You do have some "reservists" you can press into service right? Right???

I'll just leave this here- decades ago someone I know (not a lawyer) argued for child custody in part by showing a judge a picture of a tumbledown home. The judge turned to his clerk and asked her to fetch a picture from his chambers. He then showed the court a picture of a 1 bedroom shack with a well outside, and explained that this was his childhood home, and gave the person "what for", for coming into his courtroom and suggesting the poor should not raise kids. The person did NOT win custody. You can heat water on the damn stove. Wash them kids now, any which way you can. As I was also told many moons ago - "we might be poor, but we're gonna be clean".

"aircraft quality aluminum" according to whom? Boeing?

waste not want not. brisket originated with working class ppl. what would they do with it? thats right, they gonna leave it on there and make a sammich out of it.

Anybody remember how the trend for cell phones in the 90's was all about making them as small as possible? All the "rich" guys whipped out their little bitty phones just beaming with pride that they could make calls with a paperclip sized phone and talked like they were about to close a bazillion dollar deal just to order a pizza.. anyway, its kinda the same trend happening now with forward grips, just slapping on the smallest, edgiest little doorstop for the "high speed" look, function be damned. So its not robbery. You're buying "clout". Showing the world you've got the "latest" tech. lmao

The disclosure is the fact that one of them is a reanimated corpse that can only mumble and hiss, yet will be reelected to what is arguably the most powerful office in the known universe.

There are 2 reasons for this:

  1. Trapping is more efficient*.

  2. Stupid idiots machine-gunning hogs in the guts while laughing maniacally, leaving them screaming and writhing in pain and then posting it on the internet.

For the #2's: You can get mad. Hell you can get got damn mad. But that shit ain't right, and it ain't necessary. You put those videos online all bricked up imagining a Leftist coming across it and getting triggered. Well, they did. What did you think was going to happen? Hmm? Did you imagine them crying, yet being impressed with your Gravy Seal spec-ops hog tactics? You IDIOTS. They went straight for the legislatures and are gonna shut your asses down.


*hunting is still absolutely necessary for complete eradication

its a dachshund and just as ridiculous

ask them if they want you to come back out there or a discount. if they say come back, make it right. if they say money just block them.

The clown look seems to be all the rage because it looks "moar built"

some ppl like to unnecessarily bring up ITAR to be edgy...