I bought this house 6 months ago and recently bought a CampChef pro with a smoke box and after a crazy weekend of smoking almost 24/7, Webber kettle, and firepits, the neighbor texted me to complain about the smoke. They were friendly and we tried to adjust a few things. Put a fan to try to redirect the smoke and set up the grill on the other side of the patio.

Yesterday I let them know I was going to smoke a brisket overnight so they could close the windows. If you know the smoke box in the grill, it really smokes once it kicks in, but just for a few minutes. Once your 3 chunks are gone, the smoke stops.

So a few minutes after I lit up the smoke box, one of them knocked on my door with an attitude, saying her closet was full of smoke and she couldn't sleep. (I live on the West Coast and work east hours, 10:40 I'm on bed totally ready to sleep). The conversation got heated in less than 2 minutes and finished with me saying that I was not going to stop cooking and I did everything they asked and could.

Have any of you dealt with such a situation? As an immigrant, sometimes is hard to get what most people have as common sense in a community. Am I being unreasonable (very biased to ask this in this Reddit. lol)

Edit: got a message this morning apologizing but: "f it comes down to having to close all windows and doors every time, that seems a bit unreasonable and at that point would be a nuisance."

Edit 2: Amazing how this keeps going. Even though I wrote this when I was angry, I did give way too much focus to the smoke I produce and over 2 days and not the fact that we're taking about a pellet grill that the neighbors also have. Nor the fact that I did everything that they asked to mitigate this issue. I hope to post and update after peace has been made. Hopefully on 4th. Now I'm muting this thing.