Maybe he’s just moving it to that dirt patch?

Mulch does the same thing. You gotta treat for weeds. Pre and post emergent, semi annually.

I removed 3/4inches of earth, and replaced with mulch. And somehow am still gettin a few stragglers here and there.

Because it is, and if you pay msrp for stuff than you’re a sucker

Edit: or, you don’t have the means to negotiate and you’re being taken advantage of by a system that works against you.

You know what, you’re alright ninja

Hahaha Thankyou so much!! I used hot water from the boil, maybe 1cup or more even (I was almost worried) for about 6 Idaho potato’s.

I should totally roast my garlic next time

Bro, believe it or not. Hot water right from the potato boil to help whip, and butter with salt. Super creamy, and helped me lower the calories. (Milk+Cream Cheese user here trying to lose weight) lol

Too kind! I hope you’re full and content sooner than later!

Lol a quote from the movie Zoolander

Thankyou kindly! Skins on kinda guy here, and this was an experiment on using no milk. Came out amazingly awesome tasting!


I stored it in the fridge properly, I just forgot that I made it lol

Haha I always see the same type ques in posts

Just noticed your username, you’ll get a kick outta one of my most recent posts. Can’t miss it lol

Nice! I think I would mostly start of with crops to turn a profit, and raise livestock as pets while maintaining a full time work from home job. Then someday get the crop profit high enough to cover living expenses and quit the 9-5

Fucking tired as shit and stoned ready to pass out making it, by the time everything was ready I just put it away neatly and passed out😅😂

Fuck yeah, that’s quite literally exactly what I wanna do. Good shit!

Oh bro, you don’t like risking your life over $25 or wha?

No no no, you misunderstand. He’s trying to lose weight, so he’s cutting the intake of his car.

Third pic was taken today! I hadn’t even thought of the sandwich possibilities! Haha

Good point on the test driving. I’m sure I would anyway, but it is good to point out!

Nice man, first generation farm? How many acres if you don’t mind me asking? That’s amazing, and a dream of mine. I’m leaning towards the Tacoma big time!