I love how dogs cheer when you bring groceries in. They are like “yeah you got that one, and look at this, lettuce ew, MEAT 👃👃👃👃”

Work for people who are rich enough that they don’t have a clue what you are paid

Starting with the simple stuff, 40-year olds need to take better care of joints and muscles. Potassium deficiency is something that was suggested in this thread as a possibility, but there are simpler and more common explanations. It could be magnesium deficiency for all anyone knows, but starting by ruling out the most common causes is best.

Quick shot of heroin in the bank vestibule between dropping off the dry cleaning and grabbing some perennials from Home Depot.

Sorry, you are correct. I was recipe-raging and the fly grabbed my attention 😂

Pepper seeds everywhere (they’ll make it bitter). Fly on the onions. WTH is this??

It’s a great idea, but I only do what my pastor says. This will be a godly house.

Speech isn’t free on TikTok. Didn’t you read the OP?

Would you happen to be left-leaning? It’s happening to left-leaning accounts. TikTok is not a vid-sharing app. It’s a BRICS-centric rightist bully pulpit. Do you ever notice that when videos mention BRICS nations, it’s is always to say “look how amazing we are,” “look how innovative we are,” “look at how the west sucks.” You can extrapolate that the same approach is true of their approach to moderation, and also to boosting rightist talking points in the comments; left-leaning comments might have 2k likes, but they are 3rd or 4th down in the list after far less liked BRICS/right-centric talking points. In fact, if you check out the mods of this subreddit, 95% of them are active in r/ conservative which isn’t an accident.

There was a Serbian Peter I, but he wasn’t ruler until the early 20th century. Was there another Peter I that we’re not thinking of?

Canadian companies are a threat to Canadian society. They are totally self-absorbed; as if this is their society only.

I’d be interested to see more data integrated with their findings. Title inflation is rampant now. I’d love to see org charts and financials integrated with the data to more fully understand the nature of these new positions. Quite a few of my friends are in management positions with very few direct reports. Could it be that formerly non-management positions are being converted into low-pay “manager” positions? Could it be that automation and AI is hollowing out the need for frontline workers, but tasks that were formerly special projects (requiring actual expertise) are being turned into small, new departments? It’s very interesting to see what is happening in the workplace right now.

No motto or anything, behind the incredibly beautiful silver platter?

No worries. Thanks for your write-up about James and the mausoleum. Very interesting!

Door looks to be copper, maybe? Looks to be designed in the Arts and Crafts style which was popular in the UK during the latter half of the 19th century.

I basically earned my undergrad degree in that cafe.

Looks great. Maybe a little sprig of mint, and slice the berries and fan them or something to make them smaller. Looks delicious. They are lucky to have such a thoughtful cook.

Anglican Church of Canada

I enjoy Sara Miles’ “Take This Bread: A Radical Conversion.”

❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ looks like such a beautiful soul. You did an incredible job getting him to that age ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Calgary resident here (visited beautiful San Diego as a kid): thank you for having our back here! The Calgary Stampede starts in a few weeks with close to 1.5 million visitors, and this is a major water main, so we’re crossing our fingers that everything goes smoothly. This is helping things go according to plan, so thank you all so much! ❤️