If he’s an APS, paper trail, union and don’t quit. It’s bloody hard to get fired on the basis of performance as an APS, only misconduct is an easy firing.

You are welcome to your opinion, but you’ll notice almost every comment on this post is pointing out that given the information provided, the neighbour doesn’t appear to be in the wrong, and offered guidance as to why the possibly are being difficult.

Your response has been to be sarcastic or rude to those commenters. I think we can see the issue here, you’ve probably pissed your neighbours off and they now choose to be difficult to inconvenience you. Feel free to reply with your argumentative and rude comment.

Then google it. If you come to reddit, prepare to be judged.

We didn’t assume, you didn’t provide enough detail and context. You ask for advice but get annoyed when people misunderstand because of your poor explanation.

So they return the balls when asked for them? What’s the problem then?

Your neighbours aren’t at your families beck and call, as long as they give them back, they’re not doing anything wrong.

Plus side, this is teaching your kids that not everyone will jump when they say, and that sometimes they’ll have to be polite and patient to get what they want.

Alexis has the best growth in the show IMO.

Early 30s Female

You don’t let go of it, you let go of him. You have a BABY on the way and you’re with someone who gets drunk and violent? No girl, NO. Protect yourself and that defenceless baby now and get out.

South of The River

They don’t have to put prices on them, but if they do they can’t charge a higher price at the til, so a lot of them get around the rule by just avoiding ticketing. TBF, convenience stores and small stores in the city are notorious for obnoxiously high pricing.

Early 30s Female

How many accounts are you going to post this in different subs? I’ve seen it posted 3 separate times this week.

There’s a lot of context missing here but my guess is that she tried to point out that there was a problem within your relationship/with your interactions for some time leading up to the day you broke up but you weren’t responding to it, and whatever happened during that talk was her lightbulb moment where she realised she didn’t want to have to deal with that issue for the rest of her life.

The other posted articles say that it can happen in those with TB but it’s not exclusive to TB.

I’d put in a modesty panel personally, I’m definitely no prude but that neckline just doesn’t match the silhouette of the dress.

My dad has psoriatic arthritis, I had no idea that this was a part of it 🤢

The green pleated looks best imo but if it doesn’t feel comfortable don’t do it.

South of The River

Baptist churches are usually a goer, they appreciate donations but don’t get pissy about it.

Not religious myself but all my friends were so spent a lot of time at church in my youth around Perth.

I’m guessing your kid either got hold of your phone or you’re having a stroke based on your comment history, hope you’re ok!

I’d stop being around her, SO wants to go to see her? Have fun SO, I’m going shopping. When he asks why- I have no desire to be disrespected by someone like her, especially when my spineless husband won’t do anything to support me, I deserve better from you.

Refuse to attend events until he puts boundaries in with her, if he refuses… why would you stay with someone who obviously doesn’t love you enough to treat you like a human?

He is 100% testing his ability to control you, if you accept this request you will slowly be forced to do more and more things to bend to his will until you have no control left and no self worth.

Gin gives me an instant headache and rum makes me argumentative in mine and my husbands opinion, I’m usually quite a happy drunk who loves everyone otherwise.

My MIL on Gin or Ouzo becomes an unfiltered raging monster.

South of The River

If you’re able to build a fire then frozen burritos wrapped in alfoil will reheat well and easily. There are tons of recipes for yummy filling online so you don’t get bored with just a traditional one.

Paloma, always a Paloma.