I'm in shock. My fiancée broke up with me, and my family and even my friends are on her side. THEY ARE SIDING AGAINST ME OVER THIS! I don't know if I should be upset or what. I don't know what to feel but I do know I'm in shock. Her and I are were together for almost 2 years. Her (F29) and me (M30). We got engaged 7 months ago and we lived together for 5 months. In August we were going to move into a bigger place together. We were planning the wedding. Everything was fine.

She broke up with me while we were talking about our rent and budget for our new flat. She ended up bursting into tears and yelling at me. She said I am incapable of taking anything seriously. She just flipped out and was yelling and crying and nothing I said would calm her down. She said she was an idiot for thinking I would change. She went to stay with her mum for almost 2 weeks and then she came and took her belongings and returned her key to our landlord. She refused to talk to me, I thought she would after she calmed down. I had to scramble to find a place to live before the end of next month. She was always a serious person. I thought we balanced out well but she said it's impossible to do anything with me.

When my family and my mates found out about our break up they all said they agreed with her. Some of them tried to act supportive to me and say sorry and all that but ultimately they all agreed with her that I am not serious enough and they understand why she couldn't take it. She's a surgery nurse and it's the kind of job where she has to keep a cool head. So her crying and going off like that shocked me. I have an older brother and a younger brother and one of them called me a clown while the other said he is surprised my fiancée lasted as long as we did. MY OWN MUM AND DAD SAID SHE WAS RIGHT! My dad says I should grow up. I don't know what hurts more, her leaving me or everyone even my family agreeing with her. It's been almost 2 weeks. Maybe it will be different here.